I might be a bit of a social Libertarian: I don't always expect people to have the same views as me - although they are wrong.... but I will respect their right to have them. Not everything on TV, radio or online are tasteful or should be seen by everyone. However, I get a little ticked when the local station decides for me what I should watch - especially at 1230 on a Saturday Night. WIS-TV ticked me off a bit this weekend during a replay of an SNL skit.
Amy Poehler (whom I love) was playing Britney Spears commenting on her November divorce from slimeball Kevin Federline. No, it wasn't very tasteful - she said K-Fed gave her a case of the " crotch crickets", and then she started to talk about anal sex to avoid getting pregnant again, when suddenly.................off the air went the show, and on came the commercials.
Few things get me more mad than the thought police deciding for me what I should watch, and what is not suitable for my 38 yr old eyes and ears. Thanks, Dad - my virgin ears had never even heard of anal sex before... Reminds me of the PMRC back in the 80's and 5 years ago when Channel 13 decided to show infomercials instead of Howard Stern. I suppose in the post-Super Bowl, Janet Jackson's exposed boobie wardrobe malfunction, this is to be expected, although the network is liable, so what happened to the local station's cajones?
This whole episode leads me back to the old complaint. There is a little button on my remote that changes channels. If I find something objectionable, I'll change it myself. Please stop acting like Pravda, and allow me to make up my own mind. Thanks.
In Chevy Chase's day, WIS either had no problem with, "It's not what you hum, but how you hum... gotta go, I'm Chevy Chase and you're not."
I could totally be wrong here, but my sense is that the programmed broadcast timing schedule got screwed up by the football game going late. (that crazy Seahawks/Cowboys game with the fumbled field goal finish) Might not have been censorship as much as computer error...
Mike what are you doing home on a Saturday night in FLO Town in the first place drag your anal and all down here to Santee and have a party that will put SNL to shame.
moye, it isn't nice to make Mike ride the goat in the dark, even if he is a Yankee...
josh, I had someone else tell me te same thing, so I guess it is plausible. I did seem like bit of a fade and cut to commercial job. Who knows? All I know is she said "up the butt" and next thing , it was over and out.
For a station located near a street that is almost as notorious as Televison Road, Spruill Avenue or Hay Street, WIS would have a lot of nerve...
That reminds me of Times Square in the 80's - peep shows and hookers everywhere, with this one guy with a megaphone in the middle of it all, telling everyone they were going to hell.
I seen that same guy with a megaphone in new orleans
It's old by now, but WCBD didn't cut out of the skit.
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