Monday, January 08, 2007

Paid Political Advertisement......


Because American Needs a President Who Will Sniff Your Butt - But Not Kiss It.

paid for by Snoop for President in 2008.


earlcapps said...

gotta give you points for originality.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same photo as the last time he ran.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Hey, he looks good in it, so we'll keep it for now. in the future, we'll have him visiting kids, talking to Seniors, saluting soldiers - the usual fare.

Anonymous said...

Can he do an impression of Mel Gibson, from Lethal Weapon 3?

Anonymous said...

Damn you are quick

Anonymous said...

now give that dog a bone

Anonymous said...

Actaully I was thinking of him falling off the couch while cleaning himself...

...though inciting Danny DeVito to howl that dog pee isn't covered by road hazard on the tires is another fascinating thought.

ForReino2006 said...

Snoop for president....he's got my vote! He can sniff out the wrong members right off the bat!

Anonymous said...

Mike, has owning a dog helped you hook up woth booty call?

Thoroughbred 401k said...

You bet! They all gather around him, pet him and say what a cute dog he is.... Oh, does it help me? Uh, no.