Friday, June 29, 2007

Clyburn Basically Calls Clarence Thomas an Uncle Tom In a Press Release...

Congressman Clyburn Instructs Students from Florence District 3..... "OK, you poor black kids are special and are entitled to special treatment. You poor white kids - tough s**t. "

Dear Jim,
I'm sorry that the Supreme Court did not decide how you wished in it's recent decision regarding forced busing to segregate school districts. Maybe you lack enough objectivity to really understand what the ruling said. Maybe you don't understand at all. Or maybe you truly do understand, but your livelihood is dependent on splitting people apart. I could be wrong, but it sure looked like it after reading your Press Release today. In a nutshell, you should apologize to Justice Clarence Thomas, and you should be ashamed for saying the following...

“During my days as a history teacher in the Charleston County Public Schools, I always admonished my students, ‘If a thing has happened before it can happen again.’ But never in my wildest dreams did I think I would live to see the Supreme Court of the United States undercut the basic tenets of our society. What’s more disturbing is the way this Supreme Court has worked systematically with the help of at least one who benefited from all the efforts that he seems hell-bent on undermining.”

Where do we start??? Well, for starters, this decision in no way weakens Brown vs. Board of Education. The ruling of this was separate but equal. That school districts were not funded by the color of the students skin. In effect, that children black and white have an equal opportunity to an education. Look at school districts nationwide, and it is followed - if not overcompensated. Per student spending is colorblind in South Carolina across the country. Brown vs. Board of Ed. essentially said you do not view a district's funding or it's makeup by the color of their skin - that is racism.

To okay the forced busing of students across various borders because they are black or white is racism either. You and others forget a very true and simple fact. While you bus children to improve their chances, by busing others to a worse district, you are lessening their chances. Does it sound fair to ruin a child's chances at a good education becuase of the color of their skin? Ever think of it that way? It cuts both ways.......

On to the reason for the header. While you may not agree with the decision, this was a 5-4 ruling, and no one's vote counts more than the other. Perhaps the white justices can be forgiven for their 'ignorance' in your mind, but why the attack on Thomas? Because he is not liberal, and he is black. Are blacks all supposed to vote Democrat and join the NAACP like sheep? While Thomas may have benefitted from Affirmative Action, it doesn't make him obligated to support programs that 'level the playing field' or - in actuality - slope the field downhill for some and uphill for others. The basic tenets of our society are all based on equality, not on racial or gender preference.

I've read plenty of your Press Releases, most of which are divisive and generally incorrect. However, I don't think I've ever read one where you singled out another black in such a way - to label them as an Uncle Tom, without having the guts to actually say it. The two words are not there, but we all know what you are saying. Perhaps your nephew in the Justice Department can explain the ruling to you - he finished law school. Wait, he's a Republican. If he disagrees with you, is he one too?

Kudos to you on your worst utterances ever, and my best wishes on further antagonizing the races against each other for your own benefit.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There has been plenty of trash talking about this ruling. I love it. Just think the next President will probably appoint two justices.