Wednesday, June 20, 2007

SC6 Gives You Some Common Sense Tips for Overcoming High Gas Prices.

In the interest of helping others, we here at SC6 would like to lend a hand. It's sad to say, but I know some people who are spending more per week filling up their gas tanks than filling up their stomachs (Bobby??). So, before you start singing Neil Young's Helpless, Helpless, here are a few tips to help offset the extra expense.
Gas Treatment = $$
Want a simple trick? Mid Grade is 10-15 cents and Super 20-30 cents a gallon higher than Regular. Rather than spending $4-5 a tank more, get the Regular and spike it with the $1.25 Gas Treatment from the local auto parts store. Voila' !!
Tune That Puppy Up.
Got dirty (or filthy) air filter? Change it!!! A poor air filter can take 15% of your fuel economy and throw it out the window. Spark plugs old? There goes another 10%. Congrats, you just saved about $250 a year, well worth the $100 you spent on the two.
Inflate Those ****ing Tires !!
This is the most overlooked service item. Check them at least once a month. Don't know how much to put in? Check the sticker in the driver's door jamb. Best of all, it's free.
Refinance Other Debt.
Sometimes you can look around, and find out that you can save by cutting the interest rate on other stuff. Credit cards, mortgages, etc. I just refinanced my car loan, and I cut about $50 a month off the payment.
Clip Coupons
Yeah, no guy likes it. But guess what? Women kind of dig it. Okay, maybe their Mom's dig it. Get that Sunday paper for $1.25, and you'll find about $10 in useful coupons every week. Hey, no one said saving money was sexy.........
Don't Eat Lunch Out.
Wanna good way to blow $5-8 every day AND GET FAT?? Eat out everyday. There's an easy $100-200 saved every month. That'll buy you $30000 more on a house !! Talk about wasting money. Bring lunch, or go home if you can, and you'll find cash in your pocket - along with an enjoyable hour away from the office.
Cool or not cool, if you take advantage of just 1 or 2 of these tips, you won't hardly feel the pain at the pump. Of course, if we could get the Middle East, Venezuela and Nigeria straightened out..............


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Good post Mike.

  2. Anonymous10:26 PM

    or we can all just keep driving vehicles that get 12 miles to the gallon and keep everybody in the middle east and the white house happy!

  3. Anonymous10:10 AM

    And do everything you can online or by phone instead of using stamps, I think I save about $10-15 a month this way.
