Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sorry for the Delay, Folks...... The Move Is Now Complete.

Okay, the move from my 2BR 1BA duplex ( in which 1 BR wasn't used) to my new 3BR, 2.5 BA house on a half-acre lot in a decent neighborhood is finally done. I wish the transition to Bell South DSL was easier, but I think the kinks are now out.
We now return you to SC6........... The BEST blog in South Carolina !! The blog that others don't (or won't) tell you about. While suckass blogs like Palmetto Pooper Scooper play dirty in their politics for pay, we try to play fair, and mix a little humor with our honest posts.


Anonymous said...

yea yea yea...just tend to your new home there sonny boy!!!

Thoroughbred 401k said...

If I can ever get your lawn mower back from Brown's, I'll cut the grass!

Also, Rocket needs teething lessons.

earlcapps said...

hey, i link to your blog!

earlcapps said...

oh yeah, we're having a kegger at your place next weekend. thanks for having us over.

Anonymous said...

Looks nice what neighborhood. Not a ERA Leatherman home is it.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Muldrows Mill, off S. Irby, just around the corner from the old place.

If you're coming, you better bring a chair. Big Daddy is still waiting for Bruton Smith to send his bonus for June.

Anonymous said...

STill missing the Delta Tau Chi sign and a few cars up on blocks...


Anonymous said...

You on the water I do know the area as you know

Anonymous said...

Mike, you need some taller shrubbery so it ca be watered from the porch...

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Rhino, nah, I leave the bushes low so I don't scratch my pee-pee when I leak on them.

Moye, it's on the other side - about 50K cheaper. Bobby has a lot 2 houses down on the water.

Anonymous said...

Great answer Mike. I was going to say when Earl shows up for the keg party we can water them for you. Tell Bobby not to call the law.

Anonymous said...

wanted to add nice house

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Thanks Moye, I like it a lot, and Rocket LOVES the backyard!

Anonymous said...

Mike, you aren't supposed to stand that close to the holly or the yuccca when you water it from the porch. Now if you do it right, and get soem ornamantal rosemary to get tall enough, you can substitute it for cologne. (Also the Spanish consider it good luck to carry a sprig).