Sunday, December 16, 2007

Do You Like My Sleeping Duds? DO YOU ??

I told you guys previously about how I sleep on the couch at Matt's house. I used to get a Harley-Davidson blanket , but when I got here last night, it had been replaced with a Dora the Explorer blankie..... C'est la vie !
I was a little upset because Matt put me to sleep without a warm milk or storytime last night - but at least I didn't wet the bed !


Anonymous said...

Mike I am in North Carolina tonight staying with my three grand kids and leaving for Houston in the morning. My two girls have this on their pallet. Hope they do not wet the bed either but I did give them a cookie and water. Of course I made them brush their teeth. Good night Mike sleep tight Mike.

Anonymous said...

LOL that is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Matt let you use his Dora blankie?

You rate big guy!

Thoroughbred 401k said...

If I rated, I'd have had the Harley blankie. :(