Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Radio Show Announces It's Schedule....

It looks like I've got a lot of friends!! I've been working the phones, using all of my contacts to try and make three days of good, thought-provoking radio. So far, no one has turned me own.. WOW ! Here's what we have so far........

730 - Florence County Sheriff Kenney Boone
800 - Carolyn Jebaily and Peggy Brown from RED (Responsible Economic Development)

800 - Florence County Councilman Morris Anderson
845 - Democratic Presidential Race Analysis w/ Clyburn Rep. Charlene Lowery.

700 - The Reino Dysfunctional Family Christmas Special.

Getting Clyburn's local director was a real surprise. She would only give me 15 minutes, because she wouldn't show up early to work across the hall. I'm working on someone else to join us , and I'm planning on getting the local State Representatives to preview this year's session.

I left messages with Giuliani's SC people, but they didn't call back. Got any other suggestions, drop a comment..



earlcapps said...

Mike - when can people call in?

Man, I might have to take off Friday to be up there for the Christmas special.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

7-9 AM.

Anonymous said...

Talked to Earl yesterday why not invite him. Now he never said this but would not it be great to have a fellow blogger on.

Anonymous said...

How come I wasn't invited to the reunion? I want to be dysfuntional too...oh, wait, I already