Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Look, It's Bobby's Baby in the Womb....

Get That Light Outta My Eyes !!!!

I was getting ready for a day off from work tomorrow, but this just came in a few minutes ago.... Say hi to Caitlin Leise. She's 7 months in the womb now - she'll be popping out of Jeannie sometime in December - and these are the first 4-D pics of her. I've never had kids, so these are the first time I've seen the new style pics. I'm used to the old pics where the baby looks like a guppy.. Check this one out..........

What are you lookin' at , buddy ????

Pretty amazing, eh? Sure, we like to gab about politics here a lot, but we like our human interest stories too..... Since, the power is off at the dealership tomorrow, I'll be sleeping in late. Let's do lunch ..


Where Do We Go Now ??

The Day After, And Congress Takes the Day Off For Rosh Hashanah ...

In case you missed it today, the stock market rebounded from it's 777 point loss with a 485 upturn today. Why? Probably because Congress wasn't in session to screw things up further. Call it addition by subtraction.....

Yeah, there are some things going on behind the sidelines, so on the small chance that they're reading my blog, I'll give my tips to Congressional leaders to improve and pass the bailout bill...

To Nancy Pelosi - ZIP IT !!

To the House Republicans - grow thicker skin, and realize that after overspending for a decade, this may be the one spending bill that actually does something. I don't like it either, but suck it up.

To the Congressional Black Caucus - go push the part to allow judges to work on the existing mortgageholders' rate to keep them paying. Aside from that, give it up. ACORN is a waste, and the policy the CBC has pushed for decades to get people into houses they couldn't afford has failed. You screwed your own people...

To John McCain. Stop letting voters think that you know nothing about the economy, and show how you had sponsored legislation that would have stemmed this off 5 years ago.

To President Bush. If Congress can't fix it, use the steps you have to do it yourself - grow a pair, Man !!!! Time is short, do it on your own and maybe save your Presidency....

To Barack Obama. Hope this goes away soon. There's a big trail behind you on this one.

Will this all work out? I'll say it again...... It better, and quick..


Post Number 1500: A New Way to Assault a Policeman - With Hugs and Farts ??

No Shootin' , and No Pootin' !!

As we hit another milestone post number, we're celebrating with a post that represents our juvenile nature... With a lot of focus on the Sheriff's race, I ran into a couple of stories from the ridiculous side of law enforcement... Here's a couple of odd ways to assault a cop.

In Iowa City, IA , a 21-yr. old man was arrested for assault when he thought a cop 'looked like he needed a hug' - and gave him one. Uh, yeah, he was drunk. The guy threw his arms open at the policeman, and the cop did tell him to 'get away', and the guy hugged him anyway. He was sent to jail for assault, public intoxication for refusing to put his hands behind his head for cuffing. A little extreme? Maybe, but when a cop tells you get away, you get away.....

That's nothing compared to a guy in Texas... A Mexican national got arrested for DUI, and as he was being processed by the officer, he uh..... broke wind on purpose, and then .....uh, how you say... FANNED IT in the officer's direction. Since his colon was likely filled with frijoles and salsa, it's safe to say it was a bit stenchy, and the cop arrested him for assault. Whether it was Assault with a deadly weapon is unknown. Depends on the severity of the smell, I suppose. That guy's lucky he didn't die in custody.......

Today's lesson? Don't touch a cop - with anything.... Especially if you're this guy...



Monday, September 29, 2008

Don't Like This Blog? Here's Somewhere Else To Go

Beer, Politics and Arby's : What Else Does a Guy Need ??

I know - guys need Football too... I've always been too lazy to figure out how to link to other blogs, which is why most other bloggers don't like me. Anyway, I'll take this opportunity to refer you elsewhere - if only once.

Our good buddy, fellow blogger, and political kingmaker, Earl Capps is celebrating his 1000th post today. He's having a retrospective of the past three years,and although he isn't as frequent a poster as me, his posts generally are more professional and well thought out. He goes for the quality, whereas we here like to throw as much poo on the wall as possible, and see what sticks. Here's the link to The Blogland of Earl Capps.



Did Something Important Happen Today ???

777 Is Good In Vegas, But Dropping That Many Points on Wall Street...

I don't say this often, but today is a day that we all will (or should) remember... What September 11th was to security, today was to the financial sector. I don't blow the caution whistle much, but Congress really fucked up today, and they better fix it quick.... Wall Street is ready to just about implode, and DC went back into political mode, and they can now play a fiddle while America burns - just like Rome.

So, what happened to the 'agreed to' bill? Well, the Democrats had trouble tying up those guys who know nothing about Wall Street - the Congressional Black Caucus. What does this mean? It means that Jim Clyburn wasn't able to even whip his own people in line...They were pissed off because they wanted the bailout to bankroll ACORN, a low-income housing group that also has a major political arm that finances Democratic candidates. The House GOP got that part straightened out during this weekend's rehashing of the bill. While the GOP took a lot of flack for holding out this week, but the fact is the bill pushed today was a better bill. Not perfect, but better....Here's how the SC Delegation voted:

Yes: Henry Brown, Joe Wilson, Bob Inglis, John Spratt, Jim Clyburn.

No: Gresham Barrett.

The other half of the problem was that many House GOP members changed their minds after Speaker Nancy Pelosi got on the floor of the House and laid into the Republican Party, blaming them for everything that has happened. Truth is, Pelosi herself voted for the deregulation bill in 1999 (under a Democratic President) that contributed to the problem we now face. Like most things, there is plenty of blame for both sides.....

Well, many guys on the right side of the aisle took it personally - which you shouldn't on important things like this - and voted no. In short, "Hey Nancy, F. Me? F. You !!" And you thought these things just went on at home... A bill that they had enough problems with just got what they needed to say no... That's all it took. Nancy, when there is a once in a lifetime bill that must be passed bipartisanly, you:

1. Bite your tongue and talk nice

2. Pass the Bill

3. Then talk trash about the other side AFTER it passes..

How did Wall Street react? The market dropped 400 points in TEN MINUTES, and ended down by a massive 777 points - the largest one day point drop EVER... Start blowing the air raid whistles....... Our country financially is now in big trouble. I'm not kidding. No, I would rather not have to borrow all this money to bail out America, but we are in serious, serious trouble.

Congress needs to get back in a room with those who straggled, find out what they want, and fix the bill to get those last 15 votes needed to pass. Maybe you don't understand how this will affect you personally, so I'll break out my diploma again and explain it. If banks keep this debt on thier books, they can't loan out money, even to other banks or good customers. In turn , you can't borrow for a car, a home, or at the least, you'll need to put down A LOT MORE down to get it. That slows the economy down, business slows down to a crawl, and then people start losing jobs - and it might be yours. Not mine, i've had my share of losing jobs this year....

Got it? No, no one likes going $700 Billion into debt, but we'll get a pretty good chunk of that back, and the downside is unthinkable.... We need to get this done, and fast. Congress better not even think of going home now.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Am I Suffering From Voter Fatigue, Or Did The Debate Suck ?

You want to know why football is better than politics? Because you never know what's going to happen. You might know a little, like Carolina is going to lose in agonizing fashion in a game they could have won. Or Clemson will lose a game that they shouldn't have. However, you don't know everything that is going to happen. Politics is the exact opposite....
Maybe it's me. After a year of listening intently to everything that John McCain and Barack Obama have said , it's safe to say there are no more surprises for me. Its like being married, and having your partner initiate sex....... and they go through the same routine they've done a thousand times before. You know - the ear thing, the way they grab your butt, that same little purring sound they make after you..... heck, you know what I'm talking about.
I'm going off on this tangent, because i can't even think of anything intersting to talk about from Friday night. Honestly, I made it to about halfway through, I called Bobby to confirm that it sucked and it wasn't just me - then I went to bed. hey, I had to work Saturday....
I'm pretty sure that Thursday's VP debate will be more interesting. Joe Biden and Sarah Palin are a pair of gas cans just waiting for a lit match to be tossed on them, so I'll be there for it. No doubt it will be better than what we just experienced. I skipped the cigarette - it just wasn't that good for me. You too ? If so, watch this clip....

The Love Calculator ? WTF ??!!

Are you at home or work right now, and you need to kill five minutes? We're always glad to help. Welcome to another stupid, completely moronic idea: The Love Calculator.
Yes, these good people have taken the most inexplicable subject in the world, and determined the probablility of the relationship working. It's all based on one simple thing - your name.
Don't ask how or why, because "Dr. Love" there isn't giving away his secret recipe or any of the 11 herbs and spices used to make the calculation. It's his ancient Chinese secret. Actually, i don't know where Dr. Love is from... Simply put in your name, and the name of your spouse or potential mate, and the percentage of success is given. I took the time to enter a few names of some women we've had on the blog here recently. Here's how we did.......
Megan Fox - 23%.
Lindsay Lohan - 31%
Stephanie Courtney (Flo from Progressive) - 74%
Sarah Palin - 78%
Christa Woomer (Planters Peanut Lady) - 88%
Lauren Lowrey from TV 15 - 89%
Damn, I knew her leaving town was a bad thing... I think it's pretty amazing that Sarah Palin and I would match, considering she is married.... If you have the nerve, take the test and let us know how you match up!

Why Kenney Boone Should Still Be Sheriff...

The Difference Between Kenney Boone and Chuck Norris ? There Is None.

What is the most commented post of the nearly 1500 entries that I've done? The one about Kenney Boone and Jimmy Gregg for Florence County Sheriff. It's had over 30 comments, and 10 months after I wrote it, it STILL gets comments on almost a daily basis. Certainly, the post has made the rounds in town, and it just goes to show that all politics is local.....If Kenney wins in November, will I take credit? You bet your tushie !! If he loses, will I take the blame? Absolutely......... not. No one listens to me anyway, right?

I'm feeling a bit spunky today, so I'm endorsing Kenney officially today, and I am listing my reasons here. The best way I can explain Kenney's strengths is to hijack comments made about another tough lawman - 'Walker, Texas Ranger' star , Chuck Norris.

If you've never seen it, there are a series of websites that tell HOW TOUGH Chuck Norris is. So, all I've done here is use Kenney's name in place of Chuck's, but it does the job......

Kenney Boone's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Ever...

Kenney Boone will never have a heart attack, because his heart isn't foolish enough to attack him.

Kenney Boone frequently donates blood to the Red Cross - just not his own.

Kenney Boone is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

Kenney Boone does not wear a condom, because there is no such thing as protection from Kenney Boone...

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep at night, he checks his closet for Kenney Boone.....

Kenney Boone has already been to Mars. That's why there are no signs of life there.

Crop Circles are Kenney Boone's way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the heck down.

When Kenney Boone was denied a Sausage McMuffin at McDonalds because it was 10:35, he roundhouse kicked it so hard, it turned into a KFC. And he got his McMuffin...

Kenney Boone drinks Napalm to quell his heartburn.

That's once tough guy...... Got any others to add? Feel free to comment. You're allowed on this one....


SC6's Picture of the Week...

A little brake cleaner, and a quick light from the Zippo... If you can't read it, that's fine. I'll just say we're all done now. Don't bother commenting - everyone's had their chance to talk. This is my blog, and I'm in control on this one. Enjoy the nice weather today, and have a great weekend !

Sarah Palin Wasn't The Only 'Inexperienced' VP...

Here's a Pop Quiz for you today... I got this from a friend last week, so i'll pass it on to you. A lot has been made of Sarah Palin's 'inexperience', although it is pretty close to Barack Obama's resume if you go by years. Of course, she did lead as a Mayor and Governor, where Senators re in charge of much really. But , I digress.......

Anyway, try to figure out who this person was...Maybe she could be the right person after all..

Can you guess who I Was?

45 WELL ALMOST I am not yet 45 years old but already I have taken the nation by storm. I am known for my avid love of the outdoors. I hunt, fish, hike, and camp whenever I possibly can.

I have made my mark in politics as an unlikely Republican reformer. Of course, I have had to take on the Republican Party establishment. Not that the Democrats are too fond of me either.

I have a large, happy, but rather rambunctious family.

I have been governor of my large northern state for less than two years.Nevertheless, I was the surprise pick to be the vice presidential candidate in a crucial national election. Have you ever heard of me?
Surely you have.

I am.....

Teddy Roosevelt. Not bad company, don't you think?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Recurring Post: Get Yo' Ass Out Da House !!

Today, We Return to the Florence Greek Festival....

Welcome again, as we introduce a new installment to SC6 - Get Yo' Ass Out Da House.. Yep, it's festival season again, and we here are going to get out and show you everything happening in the Pee Dee , and maybe elsewhere too. We'll see......

Tonight, we took a trip down Cashua Drive to the 26th Annual Florence Greek Festival. You may not know it, but you can't swing a dead cat in Flotown without hitting a Gioldasis or Kampiziones or a Costas.... They are everywhere, but it makes for some pretty good eating. There isn't a ton else to do - they have dancers, games for the kids, but the food more than makes up for it. Gyros, Souvlaki and more Spanakopita than you can shake a Bouzouki at !!

Usually, the festival ends on Saturday, but since it rained so bad on Thursday, they extended the party to Sunday from 11-4, so it's not too late to join in on the fun. Here's the highlights.

Jeannie says Dolmades kick butt !!

Bobby and his empty table.... LOSER !!!!

I ate WHAT ??!!!!

OPA !!!


Today's Brush With Greatness..

You Don't Know This Lady? Neither Did We, Until Today....
When you work in the auto service industry, no two days are the same. Being the only automotive oasis in the middle of nowhere, Florence often has the disabled or distressed motorist going anywhere from Boston to Miami, Myrtle Beach to Atlanta, and then some. Well, we had another one today.
Meet Erin Ley. Early this morning, I had her and her family pull up in their minivan. I had an idea that it would be a bit different: no appointment, and the New York tag up front. My first guess? Upstate or Downstate. When her husband Ron came out with his NY Rangers hat on, I knew already, they were one of my homeboys.
On the way from Smithtown, Long Island to Disney World, thye were having a vibration when driving. That could be anything, but when Ronsiad it was at any speed, there was concern. Sure enough, they had a tire separating, and it was ready to blow. Maybe you don't realize it, but people get killed on I-95 like this all the time. But disaster was averted, and a new set of Michelin's fixed the trouble.
In between her chasing her three kids around (there's only so much fun you can have at a car dealership), and me trying to fix the software problem on my computer, she told me about the books she had written, so we pulled up her website, and I found out that she was a cancer survivor, and children's book author. It turns out that she and my Mom had the same type of cancer (Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma), which Mom passed away from when I was 22.
Her book, 'The Will to Live', documents her struggle with the disease, and she also has a children's series , 'Maggie the Magnificent'. Getting your work published is no easy task. Take my word for it - almost 1500 posts, and nobody's noticed yet. It seems to be going pretty good for her: she's booked up with book signings, speaking engagements, and of course, writing more books.
By now, she is probably in Orlando, hanging out at Pleasure Island, or fighting her way through a million foreign tourists to get into EPCOT. But, at least she had an interesting story about getting there - and so did we. If you're interested in learning more about Erin and her story - or to buy a book or two - here is her website....

Talk About a Menace On the Road ..

Even Kramer Would Have a Hard Time Keeping Up With This Guy..
I must admit, I'm a decent driver. I haven't had a speeding ticket in 16 years, or an accident in 22 years. Of course , this means I'll probably get arrested tonight for speeding and DUI after I pitch my car into a ditch..... Anyway, there are guys out there that don't always follow the rules of the road. If you're in Brazil, you better keep an eye out for this dude...
During a routine traffic stop, a 36 yr old man was discovered to have accumulated nearly 1000 moving violations for speeding and running red lights. If you think that's bad, guess how much he ows in fines? A cool $1.9 MILLION ..... This guy needs a good attorney.
So, how does a guy rack up this many tickets without getting busted - or visited by the local cops? Well, he never got the tickets. It seems that he moved after buying the car in 2001, and he never registered it since then. Not that the guy was really planning on paying it anyway...
Well, the car is now impounded, and it will be auctioned off to pay his bill. Unfortunately, the car is only worth $6600. Like I said, the guy needs a good attorney - a really good attorney..Maybe he should go here.

SC6 Remembers Paul Newman...

Paul Newman: The Guy Did It All .....
Sad news today, as we learned of the passing of Paul Newman: Actor, Oscar Winner, Businessman, Philanthopist, Political Activist. He was the anti-actor. A unbelieveably good looking guy, who did everything to not be labeled a sex symbol. A guy who hated Hollywood, mostly spending his time on his Connecticut farm. Oddest of all, he stayed married to his Hollywood wife , actress Joanne Woodward, for over 50 years - truly he broke the mold.
He was nominated for an Academy Award an amazing 10 times, winning in 1986 for "The Color of Money", despite Tom Cruise's ham job in the film... His body of work is like a film All Star list: 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", 'Hud', 'The Hustler', 'Cool Hand Luke', 'The Sting', 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", "The Towering Inferno', 'Nobody's Fool'... the list goes on, and when Newman got tired of acting, he moved on.
He started his own racing team, where they won a slew of races in the Can-Am and ARCA divisions, and raced for over a decade . Most people our age are more familiar with his Newman's Own products, which started as a joke. That joke ended up donating over $220 million to various charities, he also donated $10 million last year to his alma mater, Kenyon College of Ohio.
Politically, he was a pretty liberal guy.. He opposed the Vietnam War, and even made Richard Nixon's infamous 'Enemies List'. Personally, I never heard that much from him politically, so if a guy starts a company that donates all of it's profits to charities, who can really complain? It's not like he's petitioning Congress for the money. I may not agree, but I can respect the hell out of that...
Here's a YouTube clip that someone posted today. It's a really nice tribute to the man.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Who Took My Penis Without My OK ?

Well, It IS An Election Year........
No, we're not talking about my Pee-Pee.... I read a story this week, and it made me cringe, and I immediately went into the bathroom, and promised my penis that I would NEVER let this happen to it.....
Even though this guy's name is in the article, I can't bear to use it... He's a 61 yr old guy from Kentucky who was getting a circumcision - why, i don't know - and the doctor amputated his entire manhood without his consent... Why? Because the doctor thought he found cancer during the proceedure - and it turns out that he was right. But there was no emergency, so the doctor could have waited for an OK. Holy Shit, this is every guy's worst nightmare.....
Auto repair is similar to surgery... One major tenant of auto repair is that if find other work that needs to be done, DON'T DO IT WITHOUT THE CUSTOMER'S CONSENT .... Needless to say, the man is suing for "Loss of Service, Love and Affection." That , and his Johnson is missing.... He's also suing the anesthesiologist for using a General instead of local knockout - which could have stopped this too.
Sorry, but I can't write about this anymore.... I think I'm gonna cry.

The Local TV Sarah Palin Copycat ??

And you thought Tina Fay looked like Sarah Palin.... Well, say hi to WVII - TV News Anchor, Cindy Michaels.. The Bangor , Maine newscaster has been catching a lot of flack and notoriety for her uncanny resemblace to the Vice Presidential candidate. With her long, brown hair pulled back in the - well, whatever you call that hairdo, and her square off eyeglasses, it's no wonder.
But not everyone is happy about it.. Some of the local viewers are complaning that Michaels is deliberately copying Palin's style, and some even accuse her of subliminally trying to sway votes. Ahhhh, the power of the press.....
Michaels takes the complaints all in stride. She thinks that Palin is "a very beautiful woman", which is basically saying that Michaels thinks she's hot herself, right? By the way, I think Carlton from 'The Fresh Prince" is quite possibly the most handsome, sexy guy walking the Earth.....

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Take My Brain.... Please !!!

OUCH !!! Enough of These WILL Scramble Your Brains....
Football is a tough sport that often causes concussions, which is why I never played. My brain is messed up enough without deliberately trying to injure myself. However, for the big money that you can make in the NFL, lots of people are willing to pay that price. A few of them have ended quite tragically. Some of those guys who played the game are now willing to try and find out if multiple trauma like concussions lead to the behavior that leads to ex-NFL'ers endng up in violent deaths...
So far 16 athletes in various contact sports have agreed to have their brains taken out and studied after they die. I kid you not..... They will be checked for injury that may lead to violent behavior, depression and other types of mental illness. It's really an extreme thing that these guys are willing to do to try and help fellow athletes.
The NFL is also conducting their own study into the matter, but it's not due until 2010 - and I doubt it will judge the NFL very harshly. What sport would be dumb enough to open itself to endless lawsuits ? For some of these guys, that is not fast enough...

Congress Hammers Out the Bailout...

Uncle Sam.....Awash In a Sea of Debt.

We apologize for the two day delay in posts. It had nothing to do with the Ms. X brouhaha. I went to Carolinas Hospital to visit Bob's wife, Jean. She's pregnant and has diabetes, so she has to go in every once in a while for a Tune-Up blood sugar-wise. She's home now - actually she's sitting across the room from me. Then I had band practice. I kicked ass !!! Then tonight, Blogger had an outage. But, we are back.

After a week of Wall Street, DC and America collectively crapping their pants, Congress has reached a tentative agreement on the Wall Street bailout. Actually, I'm pretty surprised that it got done. Nancy Pelosi was doing her usual posturing to make sure that if this deal didn't work, that the GOP got the blame as well. Meanwhile, right-wingers in the Republican Party were revolting in spades. Fortuately, none of them were in the negotitaing room when the deal was struck.

So, how much cash is Washington willing to blow - I mean, spend - on this deal? They OK'd $250 billion off the bat, but the Bush Administration will have to prove that they need the next $100 billion, and after that, Congress can turn down the next $350 billion just for the hell of it. Basically, they're saying that they will have more control over how the Treasury Department uses this moolah. And Hank Paulson thought he was just getting an open check. NOT SO FAST, MY FRIEND........

Of course, the bill has to pass both the House and Senate - and that's not a guarantee. But, with the approval of both party's leadership, if any Congressman wants thier pork next year, they better vote yes. That means by Monday, we'll have a passed bill in record time. Stunning to see how fast Congress can pass legislation ( and spend money) when they're motivated..

The big question is: will this work? No one knows for sure, but if we can destroy and rebuild Iraq with that much, we should be able to fix a couple million mortgages, right? It actually should cost that much in the end game. In the 80's when they bailed out the S&L's , they spent $260 billion, but got back $180 billion of it. There are plenty of goverment programs around that don't return that much, so maybe we'll get lucky. We better.........


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Obvious News: I'm Not Like the Rest of You Guys Here..

All Neurotic Yankees, Turn Left at Hilton Head......

In yet another study that uncovers the obvious, Dr. Peter J. Rentfrow has made an amazing discovery - that people form different areas have different character traits. In other words, I'm from New York, so people in South Carolina in general are not familiar with my neurotic tendencies, and therefore, they don't understand....

He studied all 50 states and the District of Columbia - or is that all 57 states? Anyway, he ranked them in order based on five different traits: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Contientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness. I could spend all day pointing out the differences between all 50 states, but let's focus on you, me , and a couple other odd ones.....

New York.

Surprise, surprise - we're neurotic. Being stuck in traffic all day and paying $12k a year in property taxes a year will do that to you. Yes, we're kooky people, but we are also number 2 on the openness list. So, although we are not very extroverted, are terribly unagreeable, and not very contientous, we do tell you how we feel about stuff. I think this blog proves that, don't you.

South Carolina

Like the Clemson and USC football teams, South Carolina's people are a little bit of everything, and not enough of anything. Middle of the pack in extroversion, and openness, it's residents are relatively contientious (#16), slightly agreeable , although not compared to it's Southern neighbors(#20), and in a shocker, pretty high on the neurotic scale as well (#16).

and here's a few tips for when you're on the road.....

Washington, DC

Like it's politicians, they are very Extraverted and Open, although not Conscientious, but highly Neurotic and Disagreeable.... Sounds like Congress....


Sarah Palin may fit in great in DC. Alaskans are introverted, disagreeable, very unconscientious, unopen , yet highly neurotic. Stay away from Alaska at all costs......

North Dakota

Seemingly perfect - or is it. North Dakotans are Number 1 Extraverts and Agreeableness, near last in Neurosis, and yet very Conscientious - yet near dead last in Openness. Translation? They're great to be around, but dont believe a friggin' word they say......


Time to Say Goodbye to Ms. X ........

Some of You Have Been Waiting a While on This - Including Her....

I've been kicking this around for some time, due to obvious reasons, but it still isn't any easier for me to do this, but I need to..... After 14 months of work, sacrifice and triangulation, I am about ready to give up on any type of friendship/relationship with Ms. X..

It turns out that I have completely misread how Ms. X felt about me all this time. No, I never thought she was in love with me, but I did think there was something there. What was there appears to be a litany of lies.... The lines of communication seemed to be reopened this week, but it turns out that she was just fishing for info on how I found her online... It's America - anyone can find anyone if you try. I'd tell you if it weren't, but after five days of waiting on answers to a few of the bigger questions, I haven't gotten an answer. All I wanted was a comment saying that she forgave me, and it never came. That says it all.

I won't be a jerk and out her in the hopes that maybe things will be fixed, but here is what I know.... Yes, she worked at the Trophy Club. No, she's not there anymore. She told me her real name was Allison - first lie. She said she had a girlfriend - nope. Her boyfriend was always there , and I used to tell him a lot how much I cared about her, which makes me feel pretty stupid. To cover the lie further, the 4AM birthday call was another scheme, where she made the 'girlfriend' call me. It was then that I knew her real name , and I never let on about it. I bought her a lighter for Christmas with the wrong name on it ON PURPOSE to make her think i didn't buy it all....

So yes, I was scammed by a stripper and her boyfriend until by bank account was almost gone, all my friends wanted to leave, and I got so screwed up by it all, that I lost my job - twice. It was hard to stay in Hilton Head when the girl you care about whispers in your ear that she misses you, and she wants you to come home - and I needed to come home anyway, so thanks. But when you spend the entire month of July worrying if you'll be sleeping in your car 5 days a week, it takes it's toll, and you reach out to others a little.

Still, I would rather make up and be friends, but if there is no interest there, fuck it. I tried, and tried, and even when I knew better, I tried some more. Despite everything, it still bothers me to think that Ms. X is pissed at me. I can only assume that she knows I know she's been full of shit with me for a year, and its easier to just blow me off. Doing the right thing is harder, but i've tried to make it easier - not easy enough though.

I'll leave the door open a crack here, because I do still care, but I need to move on. All I tried was to help you, Princess, and I think you did appreciate it. I still don't think you're a bad person, and maybe you don't forgive me, but I forgive you..BTW, the free gift for your birthday was a Voter Registration form. You can do it online too......Here's one last clip for you - again ! Good luck.....



Yankee Stadium Is Closed.. Let the Looting Begin !

Bolt Those Suckers Down...... They're Worth $1500 On E-Bay....
Yes, after 85 years, Yankee Stadium has closed it's doors for good. Now it's time for every New Yorker's other favorite sport - looting for profit !!! Let's just say that they got started early...
Seat, signs, even paint off the walls - Yankee fans were attacking every single thing that wasn't nailed, bolted or welded down - and even that didn't work. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that every toilet paper holder was empty, so that some fan has a roll of Yankee Asswipe on their mantle.....
The NYC Po-Po were doing the best they could..... After the game, twenty fans had been arrested for destrcution of property - including the son of a retired New Jersey police Chief.. Hey this is nothing new. Tearing up pieces of stadium turf is a New York tradition. I had a chunk of Shea Stadium turf circa 1969 in my backyard growing up. It's a neverending game of cat and mouse. Let the game begin......

Monday, September 22, 2008

SC6 Economics Lesson #2: Oil Jumps $25 In a Day From the Financial Crisis. Here's Why.

OK Students, Class Is In Session Again.....

In case you missed it today, the price of a barrel of oil jumped a record $25 a barrel IN ONE DAY today, before settling at at $120 a barrel, up $16 from the opening price. The reasons may be some of the strangest you've ever heard of, so we'll try to briefly explain them today, and to calm your fears that the sky isn't falling... I said I'll try, but I may not succeed.

The main cause of oil prices today had nothing to with supply, but with the impending financial package to make the banks liquid again. I know, "Mike , WTF ??" Okay, follow me here closely. Oil is tied to the strength of the dollar. Why? Because it's a tangible item, not just a piece of paper like a bond or stock. When the Federal Government has to spend $700 Billion to pay off the banks' debt, they will end up borrowing it from China, Japan and Europe. This makes the dollar weaker compared to other currencies, and it's value drops. Therefore investors will shift their buying from paper items to tangible items. It's not just oil - gold went up $44 today too....

There were other factors as well. Today was the last day of the October oil supplies, so to get the oil for October, buyers paid a premium. November, for example, was selling only at $108 a barrel. I'd wait the extra day and save some cash....

So, are we heading back to $4 a gallon gas prices again. I don't think so. Supplies of oil are fine, and the only reason we are paying what we are for gas right now is the damage to the refineries that turn oil into gas from Hurricanes Ike and Gustav. That should be going back down in another week or two. otherwise, we'd be paying about $3 gallon again. With the current market boo-boo, I'd think it'll drop to maybe $3.25 by October. But hey, I'm not an expert - I just have a piece of paper on my wall.....

There is no doubt that the impending package from the Treasury Department is scaring the shit out of some investors, particularly those who view the value of the dollar as the be all and end all of economic security. Maybe they're right, but we are treading through Virgin Territory here. Time will tell. What do you guys think??


Don't Believe In Reincarnation? Look What Happened to Freddie Mercury ...

For those of you who didn't believe that after you die, you return to Earth as another person or being, we submit this for your perusal.... I'll let you decide for yourself if this is a reward or punishment, but Freddie Mercury most certainly has returned to Earth - as a Prairie Dog.

I Finally Start Kicking Back....

It's Official: Mike's Tired of Being Pushed Around......

Some of you might not agree, but I think I'm a pretty nice guy. I wouldn't say I was raised right - I needed more toughness. The term gullible often comes to mind myself. If you tell me something, chances are that I will believe you. Gullible? Maybe. God knows the last couple places that I've worked have fed me some tall tales.... Well, it all is ending.

Don't believe me? Well, for starters, after my dad called Sunday to accuse me of three different things in five minutes, I told him to drop dead and never bother calling me again. Now. some of you may think this is very harsh, but let me make one thing clear - my dad is pretty evil. Ask Bobby, he's seen it. I've listed the abuse before, so i'll skip listing it out again, but i will tell you why, which tells you the twisted gene pool that I come from. My dad is convinced that I killed my mom by being born. Try living with that your entire life... I forgave him for everything a long time ago, but I'm done associating with him, because he sucks the life out of me.

On to other things. On Friday, I found out that Hilton Head Honda reneged on their promise to OK my unemployment, and worse, they lied as to why they fired me. So, I appealed the denial today, and if they want to keep fighting me, they can drive the three hours up to Flotown to argue face to face with me. Will they do that to fight me over three weeks unemployment? I doubt it. I think I just won......

And what about where I'm at now? Discretion folks, right? Certainly there are things that I am not happy with, but I am home, so I'll keep doing my job, and I'll point out what I need to be happy there. If not, there are other options, but i think I can make it work here... Personally, I think I am a good friend, but some haven't been there for me. I have bent over backwards to try and keep everyone happy, but it needs to be mutual. I am worth the time and aggravation, so please think twice before writing me off... I'm a pretty cool guy, but things need to be a two-way street....

So, does this mean i'm going to be a total scumbag from now on? Of course not. But those who take me for granted, take notice. You'll have to step on someone else.........have a nice day!!


Quid Pro Quo? Attorney Accepts Lap Dances As Payment, Loses License ...

The Scales of Justice Are Blind, Not Stupid....

Back in the old days, when currency was scarce, merchants would use the barter system to clear up debts among each other. Actually, it is occasionally still used in places today - like Chicago. Not legally in this case, but it is used.....

You have to give it to Scott Robert Erwin. Erwin, an attorney locally, had a client that had legal bills to him. Well, the lady had no cash, but she was a stripper - yes, I love stripper stories - and Erwin decided he could work something out. Do you see this one coming????

Erwin would give credit to the client for giving him lap dances in his office. She worked off $534 of her legal bill, which was probably about 2 hours at the going rate. I would like to know how he figure out $534 - it does seem like an odd amount. Certainly, this all could have worked itself out, but Erwin lost his head - and his hands.

It seems that Erwin got a bit too touchy with the girl, and she went to the police back in 2002 to file a complaint. No charges were filed, but six years later, the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (that's a mouthful) disbarred Erwin for 15 months. I heard he's going to be a bouncer at The Gold Mine in Chicago........

Today's lesson? Don't gimme no lines, and keep your hands to yourself .............


Ed Robinson Gets One For The Thumb.

Florence Councilman Gets His 5th Arrest in Four Years.......
The neverending comedy that is Ed Robinson continues on. Yes, the Florence City Councilman that can't seem to stay away from trouble got into more today. Ed got arrested for fraudulent check charge today. Having been arrested for this means it was a second or subsequent offense, so this isn't the first time Ed has written a bad check. And it isn't the first time Ed's been to The Joint... Let's review..........
October ,2004 - Arrested with simple assault for trying to choke Murray Jordan.
October, 2005 - Arrested for hindering an officer on a traffic stop.
January, 2007- Arretsed for having a suspended license, and driving under suspension.
March, 2008 - Arrested again fro driving under suspension, failure to surrender drivers license, and disregarding a traffic device..
He was acquitted on the assault charge, and paid a fine for the second.. The unbelievable part is how Ed can't stay out of trouble. Yet he still has his supporters who come out all the time to tell the media they're picking on poor Old Ed... Maybe if he could go a calendar year without going to Effingham, we'd agree with them. So far, it hasn't happened. Yes, i've had my own embarrasing brush with the law, but hey, it was only once. Ed's making a profession out of it........

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Yankee Stadium Closes It's Doors....

Say Goodbye to a Legend....
After tonight's game against the Baltimore Orioles, Yankee Stadium will close it's doors forever, when the new Yankee stadium will open in 2009. We Yankee fans were hoping that the last game would be a playoff game, but management decided to spend the money on the new stadium, instead of starting pitching, but I digress.....
If you never went there, you missed visiting a magical place. Few places in sports have 85 years of memories on it's turf, and no other place had Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Mantle, Jackson and Jeter play there..
It has been a long time since I went there, but I remember my first game pretty vividly. I was eight years old, and I went in 1976 with my neighbors (Dad worked at the race track n weekends). It was a doubleheader against the Milwaukee Brewers. They pounded them in both games, and I got to see Hank Aaron play in his final season -he flew out.
You had to go to the game by subway... You spend two hours underground, and when you finally get out of the subway tunnel, there it is - the Taj Mahal of baseball sitting right in front of you. For a little kid, it's pretty amazing.....
ESPN has a whole day of programming to celebrate the last day of Yankee Stadium. Guess when you don't have Sunday football, you have an open slot for such things. Cool.... Will I go to the new stadium? Probably, but it won't be the same... There will be other memories, but it won't be the ones I have: Chris Chambliss walk-off HR in the '76 Championship, Reggie Jackson's 3 World Series HR's, Thurman Munson's memorial, The Pine Tar Game, Tino Martinez and Derek Jeter's Mr. November and Scott Brosius the next night in 2001, and "Aaron Fucking" Boone in 2003.....

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The $700 Billion Dollar Solution ???

Don't Know This Guy? You Will Soon.....
Welcome , as SC6 gets back for a post to discuss politics. Remember that? It's the thing we talk about in between the football and Trophy Club posts... This was one of those watershed weeks in history, where the Federal Government crapped their pants after some of the biggest and most storied financial institutions nearly went under.. Merrill Lynch, AIG, Washington Mutual, Bear Stearns, etc. all went south this year.
Congress and the Bush Administration all woke up, and decided that they needed to forget about the campaign, and maybe take some action. In a precedent setting move, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson (aka, The Guy in the Pic Above) has asked Congress to provide $700 Billion (yes, with a B) to fix the problem. It's all a bit complicated, so we'll try to explain it in layman's terms for you. I'm good at explaining things like a six year old...
The 'Solution'
Congress will basically add $700 billion to the National Debt to buy off all of the debt of many of the major financial institutions books. Why? Because if the banks owe all of this money, they have to really tighten their credit parameters. If they didn't banks would almost stop lending money even to each other and most businesses. As far as loaning money to you, forget it - you'd have to put 20% down on your house like you used to have to. This will make it easier for banks to still do business. By the way, the debt ceiling will need to be raised from $10.6 B to $11.3 B - another new record. This will allow China and Japan to buy more of us...
Is it the cure for the problem? Absolutely not. This is merely a stopgap fix to let the banks continue to do business. What is the real solution? Let's discuss the real problem first.
'The Problem'
Like most problems, there are many causes. Corporate greed? Sure... Stupid customers? You bet. Overinflated housing prices? Absolutely. The corporate problem was caused by many of the people selling the high risk, high reward mortgages that are failing so much now. the producer of the note doesn't give a crap if it goes bad in three years - he gets his commission at the sale, so there is no regard for selling a long term product. I was luckier. When I bought my first house, the lady at People's Federal explained it simply. "Make your payments on time, and sometime in the next five years, get rid of this loan, and get a 30 yr fixed loan." Easy enough.
Inflated real estate prices has more to do with this thank you may think. In the Northeast, California, Florida, and even some areas in South Carolina (Hilton Head, Charleston, etc) , the selling price of homes were rising at 6-10% a year for a decade or more. The house my parents bought in 1957 for $7000 is now worth $400,000 - and it's a piece of shit in a crappy neighborhood. So, what does the consumer who just HAS to live in Long Island or Boston or Charleston do? They get a mortgage on a house they can't afford to start, with a low teaser rate, that in two years will add 3-4% (and hundreds of dollars a month) to the mortgage payment. Then they can default... And everyone loses. So ,what is the REAL SOLUTION ?
'The Real Solution'
No, i don't like the Federal Government having to jump in to salvage every stupid bank and consumer for being stupid. But, is there really any way to stop the bleeding for now. If banks stop loaning money, the economy WILL go down the shitter.... But they have to be smarter about it. Maybe after a couple decades , America has finally figured out that not everyone deserves credit for anything. The credit reins do need to be tightened up a bit. Banks need to say no some more, they need to be more watchful of the long-term effects of bad financial products, and consumers need to spend less, SAVE MORE, and be smarter and more educated of lending policies. Remember Title Loans or Payday Loans 30 years ago? Me neither...
Now some guys will say that the problem was caused by the devaluation of the dollar. I was listening to Ron Paul today, and he made no sense in trying to tie them together. While it is a problem that needs to be dealt with, this crisis was caused by other factors , not the declining dollar. Let's work on that one next week...
I hope this helps some of you guys understand what went on this week, and will help you avoid the pitfalls like this. I'm going to put my Economics diploma back on the wall now, and get ready for the $12 an hour I'm making now...... Class is dismissed.

Pictures From Hurricane Ike...

Ike Hits Galveston Hard........

With all the news about the Financial Crisis and the upcoming election, we seem to have forgotten just how bad Hurrican Ike hit Texas. Perhaps when the citizens don't blame everything on FEMA and George W. Bush, the media doesn't get as riled up....I don't know, but the pictures of Galveston and Houston look just as bad as Katrina to me.....

BTW, that spot to the left of the house is a horse...

For Your Inner Redneck... The Flying Lawnmower !!

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet .....
Time for more mindless entertainment - it's my Treasury Dept. Bailout Special !!!! No, I'll get to that some other time.... Today, we have a YouTube clip of the infamous Flying Lawnmower....
What is the Flying Lawnmower? It's a RC controlled plastic lawnmower. It doesn't sound very exciring, but the clip is good for a minute or two of laughs... The best part? The soundtrack of Rednex "Cottoneyed Joe"..... Yeeee-ha !!

Almost Forgot to Post Tonight...

Check Out Barack's New Look.. No Wonder He's Up In the Polls....
2AM Friday Night, and I almost forgot to put up a post today. I'm not having the best day, and no, Ms. X has nothing to do with it.... Maybe I'll discuss what's pissing me off tomorrow. Luckily, I have something funny for you guys in my holster here.....
May you have a better weekend than the day I had today .....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

SC6 Rewind: Scottish Soccer Hooligan Weekly !!

If you don't like bloody noses, excessive drinking, projectile vomiting and Scottish accents, you may not like this Comedy Rewind today..... If so, welcome home !!
Scottish Soccer Hooligan Weekly was one of Mike Myers more obscure recurring skits on SNL. Listening to his accent, you can tell it was the beginning of what eventually became Fat Bastard , and then, Shrek. It's a bit hard to follow because of the accents, but i always liked it. If you've never seen it , take a couple minutes, and check it out. If not, PISS OFF, WANKER !!

World's Oldest Man Turns 113..Now Go Gracefully Into the Light...

Yeah, i'm only 40, but sometimes I get fascinated with old age and death.... I wonder what you think about when you know your last days are coming to an end. Meet Tomoji Tanabe of Japan. He celebrated his 113th birthday this week, which makes him certified by the Guinness Book of World Records as the World's Oldest Man. It also means that he will probably be leaving us before we go, so say goodbye while he's still here....
I know, this is one of my most mean and rude posts ever, but I'm feeling spunky today. If I want to pick on an old guy, that's my perogative . Seriously, I can't even fathom living to 113, and I don't think I'd want to live that long anyway.... According to everyone, he's still in good health, so he'll likely be thumbing his nose at me for another year or two, and good for him. I'd tell me to kiss my butt too..

Au Revoir, Lauren Lowrey ... Our Channel 15 Hottie Moves Onto Greener Pastures....

Ditch The Sunglasses, Lauren. You Won't Need Them In Ohio......
The tough part of living in the Pee Dee is the really talented people all move on eventually - especially in the media. We are losing another one this week. Channel 15 Morning Anchor Lauren Lowrey is having her last day tomorrow. The bad news is Allyson Floyd is staying. I kid, kid ........
Just like Channel 13's former morning anchor, Kimberly Gill, she will be going to a station in Ohio. I doubt that will be the last stop. Lauren is too talented, friendly and much too hot to end up in Cincinnati or Toledo. I'll make a prediction: In four years, Lauren will be working at least on a cable channel or better. She's that good. What will I watch while eating breakfast before everyday now? Looks like it's back to SportsCenter.....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

$187 Million?? That's a Lot of Coke....

An Artist's Rendering of the Drug Cartel's Submarine.....

Kudos to the US Coast Guard for a major drug bust this week. Off the Costa Rican shores, they stopped a submarine from Colombia, and confiscated nearly 37 bales of cocaine, with an estimated street value of $187 million. Yes, $187 MILLION........

It gives you an idea of the lengths that dug cartels will go to transport drugs into the US. I'm sure this isn't the first time that a submarine was used for this purpose. In fact,I heard the CSA Hunley was actually trying to get pot out to Sullivan's Island for the weekend....... Maybe not...

So, now that the Feds are hip to the underwater approach, what will be the Colombians next move - old Space Shuttles? Giant catapults? Any suggestions??


Son, Where's All the Money In My Safe ?

Load the Cart Up, Baby... Dad's Paying For It All.......
Ever 'borrow' a couple bucks from Dad's wallet or Mom's purse? Yes you did - don't lie... Me too. Of course, it might have been about five bucks I took. Five year old Djodja Markovic took it a bit far.....
Djodja's dad is a businessman in Serbia, and apparently he does okay. His Dad would keep some of his money in the family safe, and one day, he forgot to lock it. Little Djodja found it open, and spent it - to the tune of $105,000 !!!!!
How does a 5 yr. old spend that kind of loot? EASY. He got a few friends together, and off they went.... They bought clothes, toys, bicycles, candy computers and other games. $105,000 worth.... I can attest the absolute focus needed to be able to spend this much in Serbia. Compared to Serbia, the Ukraine is like Dubai, and it's hard to find decent stuff to buy there. Buying that kind of jack in Serbia is almost impossible ! You gotta really hand it to the kid - he was one motivated little spender...
Pops finally found out when he got home, saw the cash gone, and an assload of shopping bags in the living room. And who is he blaming? Not his kid, but the store owners in town. "It is unbelieveable that the shop owners let such a young boy do this." Or the Dad. SON, NO ALLOWANCE THIS WEEK...

Why Megan Fox May Be The Hottest Thing Going.

Megan's a Superhot Girl I Can Relate With.....

Pardon me, as I might a lot like Will Folks for a post here. In case you've been locked in a closet the past few years, this is Transformers star Megan Fox. I've never seen the movie, because I can't stand Shia LeBeouf. The kid was the biggest geek on Disney Channel three years ago, and now I'm supposed to think he's cool? Please....

Anyway, Megan has got it all: the dark hair and blue eyes (Probably my favorite), the nice boobs, the booty you can fit in a bottlecap - and some kooky experiences to boot.....

Exactly what am i talking about? Well, in a recent interview with GQ, she admitted that she used to have a girlfriend..... A Russian Dancer Girlfriend. Talk about having something in common. Okay, I never met a Russian Stripper, but I have been to the Ukraine - close enough... I'll just let Megan herself paint the picture for you....

"Well, that year my boyfriend broke up with me, and I decided — oh man, sorry, mommy! — that I was in love with this girl that worked at the Body Shop," said Fox. "I decided that I was going to get her to love me back, and I went out of my way to create a relationship with this girl, a stripper named Nikita."

Fox said Nikita would do "these beautiful slow dances to Aerosmith ballads." The actress also said she would bring the Russian stripper gifts and try to inspire her to quit her line of work.

"Look, I'm not a lesbian," said Fox. "I just think that all humans are born with the ability to be attracted to both sexes. I mean, I could see myself in a relationship with a girl — Olivia Wilde is so sexy she makes me want to strangle a mountain ox with my bare hands. She's mesmerizing. And lately I've been obsessed with Jenna Jameson, but ... oh boy."

Oh boy, you bet your ass !! Lucky for me, I read this for the first time at work. If I were home.... Anyway, is there anything hotter than a 22-yr. old hot actress talk all giddy with embarressment about her fascination with a girl? Certainly hotter than me talking about it, don't you think?
