First Obama and Conrbread, Now a Dream About 'The Big Clyburn' ...... What Is It With Me Dreaming About Black Politicians and Food ??
I had another one of those political dreams last night - sort of. Not as long and detailed as the Barack Obama - Cornbread Dream. This was a politics in the middle of life kinda dream.....
I was going out to grab lunch with Rick, which is impossible because we have to take lunches separately to cover the drive. Anyway, we're going past a Hardee's, or something like that, and there's a sign that says "The Big Clyburn" ... Rick says 'What the hell is a Big Clyburn?' . I shoot back immediately, 'It's a Bun with a Big Asshole in Between It'...... Ba Dum, Dum !! That was it. Back to the regular part of the dream...
Don't ask - I have no idea why I dream like this. At least I didn't fall out of a plane again.....
CODE 415!!! WE HAVE A CODE 415!
MIKE, put the fork down, put it down now! Raise your hands in the air and back away from the moldy c-ration can of scrapple very slowly, HAZMAT and the bomb squad are on their way...
does that burger have a pickle