Thursday, April 16, 2009

Who Let The Riff-Raff Into the Convention ?

SC6 Hits The Road In Williamsburg County ....

It's been a busy couple of days.. Band practice til midnight on Wednesday, and tonight, the Williamsburg County Convention.. Now I know why I stay home during the week - social engagements wipe me out !

I know it doesn't look like a great crowd in Kingstree, but hey, this is how is starts. They had only six precincts represented here two years ago, and now they've tripled it to 18 .... That's how it's done - locally, precinct by precinct. If you want to change the world, start with your own backyard....

The other interesting note tonight was that the Four Horsemen of the Political Apocalypse - Moye Graham, Tommy Grimes, Earl Capps and myself - were all gathered in the same place at the same time. Brown's BBQ will NEVER be the same again ...Here's some pics:

Tommy congratulating County Chair Barbara Mishoe on her re-election...

The District Chair and the County Chair, deciding on who lives and who dies....

Earl's downloading Asian Porn, while I smoke crack from behind the camera. Good Times !!

Earl may have seen things differently... For his take, check out The Blogland.



  1. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Mike--I have to agree that Barbara and the gang in Kingstree did a tremendous job tonight. If we can continue to grow the Republican party here in the 6th the same way they have in Williamsburg county the Democrat's days are numbered.

    By the way the Orangeburg GOP is having their version of the Silver Elephant tomorrow night, I hope to see you and your readers there tomorrow night...Tom Grimes SC6 district chairman

  2. It was NOT Asian porn. It was Kentucky porn!

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    And here I thought Earl was rating BBQ sauces...

  4. Moye Graham3:48 PM

    There was no BBQ left after Earl and Mike got done with the Buffet. Mr. Brown told the Williamsburg GOP that they were welccome but the guests from now on had to pay double. On a more serious note it was good to see that the GOP is alive and growing in Williamsburg.

  5. west_rhino3:58 PM

    We hear that the PDR have been loose elsewhere, spotted Saturday night in Charleston? WAHZZUP? That's yella sauce turf!

  6. Everyone loves a good fight, and you guys in Chucktown do it better than anyone in the district, from what I remember...

  7. WR can handle them PDR

  8. west_rhino9:28 AM

    True that, moye. Chcuktown didn't have much of a fight, though I am pleased to see four of my precincts folks make the delegate/alternate list (three delegates, one alternate). IF this helps motivate new blood, I don't mind not making that cut... more opportunities for plausible deniability. Yo, Ground Squirrel, Tree Frog!!
