Sunday, July 25, 2010

SC6 Music Pick: Gaslight Anthem 'American Slang'

What Exit On the Jersey Turnpike Are You From ???

This week, we finish with our New Music Pick: New Jersey's own The Gaslight Anthem. Yes, whenever you come from the Garden State, you are going to be compared to Bruuuuuuce Springsteen - especally if you encourage it. Actually, geographically speaking, they're closer to Bon Jovi (no one ever gets compared with them). To us, they sound more like Irish Punk bands, like Street Dogs or Flogging Molly.

That happens when your singer is named Brian Fallon (supported by guitarist Alex Rosamilia, bassist Alex Levine and drummer Benny Horowitz), but 'American Slang' is a pretty catchy tune. Bruce would probable approve anyway... Here's the clip for you. Have a great week, but we have two shows next weekend, so our blog may be on hiatus for a bit. Check in anyway....


Fuzzy Thoughts: The Storm Door From Hell Edition

It Looks Inviting Enough, But Beware !!!!!!!

It's been quite the non-political week again, as all our time has been focused on two things: Work and The House. Yes, just about everything is ready to go, with glaring exception - The Storm Door. I bought it in March during my last visit, and it STILL isn't on the house yet.... but that finally got resolved today. I think....

My good friend, Chris, tried twice to get this door on, but to no avail, which is surprising, because he's a pretty talented guy. We then called our AC guy, Chase, who volunteered to put it on himself. The problem is Chase is doing contract work in Maryland, and he's gone 8-10 days at a clip. I had an appointment to do it last week, but I think he forgot. No big deal - if I was busting my ass in this heat, I'd skip the side jobs too... So at the suggetsion of Bobbo, we called Lowe's to have them install their door...

Being in Yankeeville, they needed me to go to a Lowe's up here to sign the paperwork, so I did. The problem was, the first customer service person gave me a litany of reasons why SHE was uncomfortable with this. Faxed signatures, measurements, getting permits (YES, you need a permit in NY to put on a f**king storm door!!), etc.... Luckily her dumb ass went on break, and I went to the back, where Melissa (who has lived elsewhere, so she got it), called up the So Flo Lowe's and took care of everything. For her hard work, she got a $10 tip. Yes, I'm acclamating....

Aside from that, we have the usual observations for you. Yeah, it's kinda warm, but not as purgatorial as it is there. It got to the mid 90's yesterday, but today is about 90, and a nice rainstorm just cooled it off. My sinuses and a lack of sleep the past two days are killing me. I went out Friday night between work shifts to see some old friends from high school, and I got home at 330AM.. Needless to say, I was as useless as hen shit on a pump handle Saturday at work.. But, I found out that there were a lot of girls that had a crush on yours truly.... No, it doesn't help now, but it does massage the ego a bit.

It's a big weekend in baseball, as A-Rod is stuck on home run #599 the last couple days. Suddenly, he is the toast of the town again, which definitely was not the case 2 years ago, when we all called him A-Roid.. Winning titles does that. Andy Pettite is still down with a bad groin, but Carol (who thinks he is hot as hell) volunteered to work it out for him... Lucky bastard.

I bought a bag of SunChips today, in the 100% compostible bag, and I have one problem: I will not be able to sneak eating a few at night, because this is the NOISIEST chip bag I've ever heard..... I have no idea what this thing is made of, but it sounds like you're shaking a jar of nails.

The scuttlebutt around Florence GOP is that there will be a few major announcements coming up: one is a very high ranking South Carolina politician will visit the monthly meeting. The other is not as good... A long time member of the local party may be getting axed for - GULP!!! - endorsing a Democrat candidate. No, I don't think it is a mortal sin to support a Democrat - we do kinda need them to keep us in check sometimes too - but the rules are pretty rock solid on endorsements..... you do it, and they strip you of everything. No truth to the rumor that they then bury you shoulder-high in dirt, pour honey on your head, and throw Fire Ants on you - but that might be next.

I watched '500 Days of Summer' at 200AM last night, and I'm wondering why I am a bit fascinated with Zooey Deschanel. She's not hot, she's usually playing pissed off people, and her boobs are a bit small. Oh wait - she's NORMAL. Maybe it's just her name is Zooey. Is it Zo-E, or ZOO-E? P-Luv ??? As far as the movie, I thought it was decent, although I don't know why she married the other guy... OOPS, gave it away.

So, the Obama Administration and Congress bitchslapped the financial services industry this week. We have no opinion on the bill yet, because we haven't read it yet, but here is what we think about the topic. The point of finance is to be able to keep a customer paying, and to afoord to make payments. Yes, the industry set up programs and compensation plans for it sales force that completely contradicted that theory. How a bank can lose money sometimes is totally unbelieveable to me. You lend the money out at rates 3-7 times what you pay out for it. Simple enough, unless you fee and late charge the customer into default -then you're both fucked. At the same time, while restraints need to be in place, I worry that there are people in this administration who feel that the private sector is the bad guy. There are a long list of hits they've already put out, but business is what made ths country - and the government that ays those politicians. Care needs to be taken on both sides, we just hope they got it right..


SC6 Real Estate Section: Own the House of a South Carolina Blogging Legend !!!

No, Will Folks Is Not Moving ....

In today's Celebrity Real Estate news, famed former political novice/blogger extraordinaire Mike Reino will be putting his famed Rancho Reino I up for sale. It's a 3BR/ 2BA , 1270 SF charmer in the ideally located, yet affordable Millridge Subdivision in South Flotown.

We've dumped a ton of cash into the house to make it move-in ready, including a brand new roof (which I've never seen), excellent landscaping with lots of mature trees to avoid the blazing SC Summer heat, with NO back neighbors, and new AC components as well. It's an ideal location for the young couple or single professional, or as an investment property - which we aren't hoping for. Best of all, it's pretty well furnished, and all of the furniture stays with the house ! Reasonable priced at $113,900 ($4k less than the other house for sale here), it won't be on the market for long..... Check it out:

Room for fun, yet easy to maintain... Yes, the Hibachi stays!

Cathedral ceilings in the large great room with parquet foyer. Neutral colors, bright and airy..

All electric appliances, CP&L Common Sense discounts keep the average utility bill at $70 a month!
It's the last development in the Florence City limits, so you have city taxes and water as well. Seriously, if you're looking for a nice little place that costs only about $800 a month for mortgage, taxes, PMI power and water - and an $8000 new buyer tax credit !! - you can't do better than here. Good neighbors too.. Call Cameron Minshew at Century 21 Bellray Properties at (843)661-2121 or (843)229-6317 for a showing.


Today's Quote: Reason, Reflection and Election

'Excessive taxation.... will carry reason and reflection to every man's door - Particularly in the hour of election.'
_Thomas Jefferson.

Think amongst yourselves, as we reflect upon all the reasons we should elect Kayden Kross for Finest Ass Ever......


Cartoon of the Week ....

Without a doubt, the main topic in the cartoon world was the passage of the financial industry reform bill. The best 'toon might have been the one that equated the BP Spill Cap with trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube, but how many weeks can we post on that?
This one pretty much put it correctly, without being overly judgemental. Pro-Business or Con, the message is clear ...... The Ride Is Over.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

SC6 Music Pick: The Black Keys 'Tighten Up' ...

Giving Akron Something To Be Proud Of, Post LeBron....

Today, we focus our attention, and close out our day with today's music pick - The Black Keys. In the rubble following LeBron James' leaving his hometown for sunny Miami, this band may be they only thing left for Akron. Like most bands, they've been plugging along the indie circuit for the entire 2000's, and they finally hit it pretty good with this year's release, Brothers.

Their sound is often described as blues-based, but this song, called 'Tighten Up', reminds us of the 70's cop show soundtracks. The video is pretty good as well - no matter what age they are, the boys will ALWAYS let the girls come between them. We'll see you again on Sunday!


Brad Richardson's 'Big Lie'....

J'ville Mayoral Candidate Purports To Be a Founding Father ??

We caught wind of the scandal involving Johnsonville City Councilman and Mayoral candidate Brad Richardson, and we must admit, we are outraged..... Everyone exagerrates what they have accomplished to a small degree, (remember when I referred to myself as 'King of SC Blogging and Stud Deluxe'?) - but to try to pass yourself as Benjamin Franklin? GEEZ !!!!!! I mean, the age differnce alone doesn't pass muster, unless you add a zero to Richardson's 30.....

Yes, we're kidding. Seriously though, while we don't support Brad's pumping up his education a bit, in the whole scheme of things , it's small potatoes. If Brad were running for Mayor of Florence, we might take this into consideration more..Not to belittle the place, but this is Johnsonville, where a college degree is not a prerequisite for being anything - and that's not a bad thing at all...

No, you don't need to engrandize your resume for Mayor when you've already served two terms on council. What education does Ed Robinson have? Who knows, but he gets re-elected every four years, and he's almost certifiable nuts.... I'd take a Mayor who's compass is on straight with regards to spending, than a professional student who thinks spending is the cure, and Brad has shown that ability so far.

More importantly, in a small town like J'ville, it's a good heart that matters. I cosnider Brad to be a good friend, despite us not having mutual allies in Flotown. He's available for his constituents, and I think the anecdote I submit now gives creedence to his heart. Last year, I attended a County Party meeting that was closed into Executive Committee, where Brad was attacked on a personal matter that 1) was untrue, and 2) was based on an anonymous blog comment and 3) should NEVER have been brought up in a meeting. Brad not only cleared up the matter, but he now seemingly works hand-in-hand with the same people who brought it up. If it were me, I'd never speak to these people again, but Brad Richardson is a better person than I am....

No, Brad is not the most educated person in South Carolina. There are times when I wish Facebook has Spell Check for his posts and comments, but like we said, Johnsonville doesn't need a good speller - they need an honest and dependable guy who works hard, and can say no when needed. Besides, Brad's not the only Mayor who's gone astray of the law.... Too bad we misplaced that composite sketch that was a dead ringer for Mayor Hickory Head. We still don't know what they wanted him for....


Today's Quote: Submissiveness

'Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread....'
-Thomas Jefferson, 1821.

Yes, TJ was a smart and prescient man, but if Sara Varone were DC, we'd do whatever she told us to - and like it!


And Somehow, We're Still Poor ...

Sandwich In a Can .... You're Kidding, Right?
We just read an article on about someone's latest creation - sandwiches in a can. Aside from a catchy name - Candwich - we can't find any reasonable purpose behind wanting a PB&J that lasts up to year. It's not like peanut butter and jelly is THAT expensive.....
Our only thought is that the inventor of Candwich is a Tea Party member who is convinced that The Obama Administration WILL end the planet by 2012, and we'll need long-term rations. Maybe it's not such a bad idea after all... Until then, we'll refocus our efforts on marketing our latest million dollar idea - alcoholic frozen popsicles! Anyone have a spare blender and fridge?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Now, The Earth Is Farting...

Just a few days after capping the Louisiana Oil Spill, BP's fix is showing some signs of problems. Like not being able to take a healthy poop and getting stomach pains, the plugged well is backing up, and causing explosive methane gas to seep out of the ocean floor...... looks like the Dutch Boy may need a few more fingers to plug the dyke....

SC6 New Music Pick: Spoon 'Got Nuffin'

We apologize for the shorter program of posts this weekend, but we're behind schedule, and the pool beckons... So, we're end as usual with our new music pick for the week. Hailing from the sudden music mecca that is Austin, Texas, is Spoon.

Made up of singer/guitarist Britt Daniel, drummer Jim Eno, bassist Rob Pope and keyboardist Eric Harvey, they took the long, hard road to commercial success. Formed in 1994, they've been independent label darlings for a while, but they debuted at Number 4 overall earlier this year with their latest CD, 'Transference'.

They're pretty much a straight ahead rock band, but they do have a bit of that Kings of Leon sound that's caught on the last year or two. Simple and driving, this is their latest track, 'Got Nuffin'. Enjoy the week!


Another Example of How Unions Are Often Bad For America ..

The Union Overtime Scam: How Three Years Robs Taxpayers for Decades

Before we start on this post, since we do end up on Google, we expect to get some nasty comments from people everywhere who don't know us. Let us take a minute to say something. We don't hate Unions.... many years ago, they served a useful purpose: to protect employees from wage discrimination and unsafe work environments. My dad was a Teamster in fact. But it seems to us that day has been passed on for a while.... Being back in New York, we've been trying to see how and where the taxation system got so out of whack, so that liberals in South Carolina, who seem hellbent on duplicating it, don't do the same there. If we were a Bible prophet, right now, we'd be Jeremiah....

Like we said, fair wages were the lynchpin of the start of unions. Rules were put in place to protect employees, but as with most things, with every rule, there is a way to abuse and manipulate it. Welcome to perhaps the biggest one of all - overtime.

It's very simple - and fixable. Union wages are based on 35-40 hours per week, and they get 1 1/2 times for OT, and 2x for Sunday. Easy enough, right? Where theirs and yours and mine differ is in the end... If your lucky, you have a 401k, Social Security (if it still exists), and that is IT... Union members have that and retirement pensions - something that most of us have never heard of. Well, that pension has a very small and costly codicile in it: an employee's pension is based solely upon the person's last three years of wages and overtime. At retirement (which is 50% for 20 years, 75% for 25 years, and 100% for 30 years), they get whatever that amount is for life.... So, what is the scam? OVERTIME is the scam...

Yes, in those last three years, an employee will work his/her ass off to guarantee a lifetime of fat pension checks, which is bad for the business/government agency and ultimately, consumers and taxpayers. Let's say you have a union garbageman making $60,000 per year. We'll bet you green money that yout will see him busting his ass starting in year 28. That 40 hrs suddenly becomes 60, and that $60k becomes $105,000 per year - and it NEVER ENDS. He will earn that $105k til he dies - and you pay it.

Fixing it is easy, and it almost sounds backwards - hire an additional employee. What, hire more people to SAVE MONEY? Yep. Watch.... Hire a new person (which you would need to do anyway in 3 years) at $50,000 per year (lower seniority, lower pay), and for the two guys, you spent $110,000. More importantly, you just saved $40,000 PER YEAR for the next 30-40 until that employee dies and stops collecting pension checks. That's $1.6 million dollars you saved - ON ONE EMPLOYEE ALONE !!!! It's not cruel or being cheap - it's giving the guy what he actually should be getting anyway - full pay. Dammit, we are smart......

Yes, for every cause, there is a solution, but this one may reside in Fantasyland. Why? Because the people who regulate an employee's hours are also Union members, who benefit from the same plan - the Fox Watching the Henhouse. Every company or local and state goverment should have a Pension Czar to oversee the spending, and taxpayers would see the changes eventually. Right! Meanwhile, we're going in the backyard to bury some beanstalk beans and look for four-leaf clovers.....


Today's Quote: Instruction & Ignorance

"A Nation under a well-regulated government should permit none from being uninstructed. It is monarchical and aristocratical government only that requires ignorance for it's support."

- Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man, 1792.

At first, we showed our ignorance by thinking this was Bret Michaels from Poison. It's actually Charlotte McKenna, but we bet she could instruct us in a thing or two...


Cartoon of The Week 'BNN Goes Under' Sale - Everything Must Go !!

Like some of you may have noticed, BlogNetNews, which is pretty much our sole aggregator for finding SC6 without going directly to us, has hit the skids. We hope it's temporary, but it's been close to a week now, so our hopes die a little more with each passing day. Maybe there'll be some BP Cap Miracle in 90 days for us too, but we're not holding our breath...

With that, we're having an inventory clearance sale on all our political cartoons. Prices have been slashe to the bare bones on all our models - political, topical, and our popular hybrid models.... Actually, we just had an assload of good ones to pick from this week. Seriously, between Mel Gibson, George Steinbrenner, BP, and Bristol Palin, there was pleny of fodder to choose from, and the cartoonists did a great job. Another case of letting the news come to you... First we chose the one above for mixing two topical items in one...

God is a Red Sox fan? We're in trouble... There was another one that had The Boss firing God and St. Peter, but we passed on that one....

But, since we are a political blog, this one took the Blue Ribbon...


Sunday, July 11, 2010

SC6 New Music Pick: Keane 'Stop For a Minute'

OK, this makes NINE posts today, which by far is the most I've ever done while gainfully employed.... But as always lately, we end a Sunday with a New Music Clip for those of you stuck in Top 40 land in South Carolina...
Today, we bring you Brit-Pop stars, Keane. They did the usual Rock Star trip: small band gets signed, hits it HUGE, then gets caught in the touring trap, and has to take time off to 'regroup' in rehab... Well, the time off did them well musically. They updated their sound a little to keep up with the scene. They signed on rapper K'NAAN for this song entitled 'Stop For A Minute'. I'd call this Coldplay meets Alicia Keys, which in our book is a pretty good thing... Enjoy, and we'll be working all week, so you'll have to wait til Saturday for more...

SC6 Fake News: Too Little, Too Late to Save Spongebob Squarepants...

Nickelodeon Star's Blood Is On BP's Hands......

(AP) Bikini Bottom, LA. - On the verge of the possible end of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, news took a tragic turn today when the oil-soaked corpse of children's star Spongebob Squarepants washed ashore in St. Bernards Parish in Southeastern Louisiana..... He would have turned 24 years old on Wednesday......

It's location unknown for decades, Bikini Bottom was apparently 27 miles off the Louisiana coastline, it's sandy bottom now a Federal disaster area. The date of Spongebob's demise is unknown. His body was found near his pet snail, Gary, and a few feet from his neighbor and co-worker, Squidward. In fact, the only known survivor of Bikini Bottom was his buddy and fellow aquatic sealife member, Patrick Starfish. Initially found drenched from head to toe in oil and gasping for breath, Patrick was well enough to speak to the media soon afterwards....

'MY FRIEND IS GONE !!!!! WHHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHHH !!!!! How can I live without my little yellow buddy ???!!!!! , wailed Patrick, almost inconsolable.... According to Patrick, Squarepants left in mid April to cover a triple shift at the Krusty Krab at the request of his boss, Eugene Krabs. Krabs has not been seen since, and is believed to have left Bikini Bottom in the nick of time, thanks to his contacts in the military. 'Spongebob LOVED those Krabby Patties - HE DIED FOR HIS ART !!! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEVIN COSTNER !!!' , wept Patrick, who then muttered and shook uncontrollably into a friend's shoulder....

The discovery of Spongebob's passing comes as an ironic shock to all those involved, as BP announced that, after a mere 20 days of asskicking by the Obama Administration, they may finally have developed a solution to stop the free flow of oil that has ruined the Gulf of Mexico. Worse yet now will be the emotional damage to the Youth of America, who will need emotional couseling not seen since Michael Jackson's passing. An Obama staffer, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told reporters that Washington will soon announce a $125 billion initiative to help kids cope with Spongebob's loss.....


Fuzzy Thoughts: The Ty Webb Edition

We're Just 'Being the Ball', Danny.....NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH !!

Greetings, Sports Fans.. It's another Sunday afternoon, and we hope we've given you your usual fix of Knicks, Chicks and Politics.... Sorry, we haven't eaten lunch yet. It's been slow treading this week in politics, and we don't mind the break at all. So, rather than forcing the issue, we just let the news come to us .... we're Being the Ball.

Luckily, there's been a couple things to chat about, so you shouldn't be Jonesing for news.... But, just in case you need another hit, we'll review the not-so-newsworthy stuff that crossed the transom of our ship this week...

The biggest news seemed to be the weather - yes, even more important than my birthday! Topped out at 100 degrees up here for two days before breaking on Thursday. It's leveled off to the usual mid to upper 80's, and not as humid. It hasn't rained like it has down there. Were happy with that as well.... I called the landscaper to have him juice up the grass for the upcoming sale, but he said it's green as can be from the rain. Thank You, God....

Almost as important as God was LeBron James picking the Heat. Yeah, he took the easy way out, but who can blame him? Cleveland sucks, New York is kinda cold, and they sure still are missing a piece or two of the Chamionship Puzzle. We do like them picking up Latta native Raymond Felton. We'll be sure to make him feel at home by taking him out to Bobbique in Patchogue for some Vinegar-based goodness. He's in good hands, folks... Found it scary that ESPN already had computer-predicted that the Heat would win 66 games within three seconds of James announcing his move...

Facebook 'friends'? Like you, I kinda use Facebook to keep track of a few frienimies as well. Guess I'm not the only one. I left a joke message about going to the beach with 'My Superhot wife and kids' (Carol and the Kids). Well, Joe got a call from his buddy who's wife is a FB friend of mine from school about it... Too bad he already knew about it, and got the joke. Hey pal, maybe if you paid Joe the $25,000 you owe him back, he'd listen to you more !! Fatti, Fatti tuoi ...

Good and Bad: the Yanks are riding a 7 game win streak, but came up short for the Cliff Lee sweepstakes this week. That's fine... We'll keep the prospects, and get Lee in 2011. Face it folks, if Baseball were Monopoly, the Yankees would own all the Railroads, Boardwalk and Park Place. I can already hear Tommy screaming 'Yanks and Braves in the Series' in my ear....

Listening to Pandora on my laptop at home makes me wish they'd drop that shitty Muzak channel at work, and let me put Chicks and Pianos on my desktop at work. I AM there 11 1/2 hours a day after all.... It will pay off by week's end, when I get my first bonus, weekly pay and trip reimbursement.

You might notice, there is no politics in this week's Fuzzy Thoughts. We like it that way. Politics should be like Cumin or Taragon - it only needs to come out of the Spice Cabinet once in a while. Life, Family and Friends is the Salt and Pepper.... hey, we like that!


Williamsburg GOP Goes a-Stumpin' !!!

In year's past, we've been disappointed by the lack of support candidates in the 6th Congressional District have gotten in years past. Maybe, as Vice-Chair of the District, we've had a part of the blame. I'll say this - I can lead, but I can't make an army when no one volunteers. Fortunately, there seems to be a platoon or two who are willing to sign up this year....

If you want to be in the 6th District GOP Army (makes it sound kinda cool, don't you think?), we have an event locally to attend. On Tuesday, July 13th at 6:00PM, the Williamsburg County GOP will have a Stump Meeting at Brown's Warehouse on Hwy 52. All the GOP statewide candidates have been invited, along with district and local candidates. SCGOP Chair and former Mike Reino fan, Karen Floyd will be chairing the event...

Thanks to Williamsburg County Chair Barbara Mishoe for organizing the Stump Meeting, and best of luck to all the candidates in the District...


Today's Quote: Justice... and The End.

"Justice Is the End of Government"

- James Madison.

We can only say this: Carrie Milbank's end does us some Justice.... Amen !!


Another Government Agency Run Amok .... And Robbing Taxpayers and Businesses Blind .

Subagency of NOAA Uses Millions in Fines Illegally ....

We often say that regualtion is a necessary evil, up to a certain point. But overregulation often goes crazy, and just like local bad cops who profit from busting drug dealers and pimps, a Federal Agency can do the same thing - and there is no one to regulate the regulators...

We give you the National Marine Fisheries Agency, which is a subagency of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). They are basically the Fish Cops - they inspect fishermen for following federal regulations, and levy fines for offending boats. Sounds fair enough, right? Well according to a recent investigation by the US Commerce Dept., the NMFA is offending worse than any boat they've stopped - and they have been for years....

The Commerce report says that the NMFA has taken in over $96 million since 2005, and spent over $49 ....... but only has cash on hand of $8.4 million. That's $38 million missing, or about 40% collected. In addition, they also purchased over 200 vehicles at a cost of $4.6 million, which is illegal - and they only have 175 employees !!!

No, we're not done yet... They also bought 22 vesels costing another $2.7 million (another No-No) , including a $300,000 boat advertised as having a 'beautifully apppointed cabin'. They also spent another $580,000 on 40 trips for officers to attend unauthorized conferences. NMFA employees are only OK'd to travel for enforcement purposes, but someone forgot to read the Conduct Manual apparently...

And where was the NOAA? Asleep at the wheel, because NO ONE regulated the NMFA at the NOAA - they were essentially a rogue agency left with NO OVERSIGHT at all.... The Obama Administartion was all set to chop off heads at the NOAA, but they've backed off, for now.

My guess is they will fix the regulation problem with - you guessed it - more regulation! Meanwhile, independent commercial fisherman across America, who have been overfined and driven out of business by a bunch of Federal Paul Blart's are left wondering if they'd still be around if they were regulated fairly..... and just WHERE the money they paid went to...


To Billy Ray Cyrus: Iran Is Off Limits, Buddy.

For all of our fans in Iran who were someday hoping to see Billy Ray Cyrus perform 'Achy Breaky Heart' , bad news out of Teheran...... The Mullahs have given a directive on acceptable haircuts - and The Mullet is on the No list. Maybe Miley can still play there. From what we've heard, this is still an acceptable style...

Radical Islam Indeed ...... Ahmadinejad catching 'Despicable Me' IN 3D????

A Loss Among the Four Horsemen ...

By now, many of you are aware of the sudden passing of Earl Capps' brother on Friday. We had second thoughts about posting on this, but Earl has spoken on his blog, along with a couple others as well. We haven't called Earl yet to give yet another message of condolensce or offer to 'help with anything'. The truth is, there is nothing any of can do to help, and being 700 miles away, 'being there' is impossible, with the exception of thinking of our friend....

Some people don't like Earl's opinionated personality on his blog, but our explanation for it is this - politically, he's smarter than you, so deal with it... Some of us just know more than others do. Aside from that, Earl is one of my best friends I have in South Carolina, in politics or any other forum. Honestly, i'm feeling a bit uncomfortable knowing that his brother, Jonathan, died on my birthday - that Earl was leaving me a voicemail birthday wish in his awful NY accent imitation (think Hugh Grant in 'Mickey Blue Eyes') just minutes before the accident. That while I celebrated, Earl was having probably one of the toughest days of his life....

The only solace I can give my Four Horsemen brother is that his brother is in Heaven, and that he should treasure all the memories of his brother. There is no answer to 'why' - things just happen in life to all of us, and time is the only thing that eventually makes it bearable. For all of us, my advice is to tell everyone you love that you love them - today.


Cartoon of the Week...

We had to work a bit harder than normal to find a cartoon this Sunday for you guys.... It seems that TIME, where we usually find our 'toons, is a bit derelict in posting anythign new this week. So, we searched and found this understated item from We're not sure when this was printed, but we thought it was a nice commentary about Arizona. Sometimes, you say more by saying less, although we don't follow that too often, do we?

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Crappy Birthday To Me, Crappy Birthday To Me ...

Maybe Not THIS Bad ....

The truth hurts.... And the truth is that Friday will be my 42nd birthday. Worse yet, I have to work all day Friday AND Saturday. I had today off, so Carol and I took the kids to Shipwreck Cove Water Park to avoid the heat and have some fun... The weather early on canceled the plans to take the kids to the Fire Island Lighthouse while Carol got some much-needed relief and alone time. The best laid plans, right?

So, think of me the next couple days as I put in another 22 hours, and await to cut loose in a major way at 5:00 PM Saturday - if I have any desire to go out by then. We'll see, but I imagine I'll muster up the strength to go out....


Forgive Us For Being Quite Hypocritical ....

See, we are honest enough to call even ourselves hypocrites when it applies... No, we weren't in favor of it when it came out, and we still don't think it should have been passed in the first place.... But we are happy as F**k that Congress passed the extension of the tax exemption for purchasing a house - just 2 weeks before we put Casa Number One on the market. (The pic above is Number Two, but you'll be seeing the other one plenty enough here soon).
Yeah, we're hypocrites. Fair enough. But, it's not as bad as calling yourself a fiscal conservative while you owe everybody on Planet Earth unpaid bills...

Injustice Of All Injustices....

How Could They Throw THIS In Jail ????
Outrage. Anger. General Unhappiness..... This week, we hear that Lindsay Lohan will have to serve 90 days in jail, and another 90 days in a treatment center for violating her probation, which was basically partying.... Hey, we're not complaining about our justice system (maybe a little), but tossing her in The Joint for drinking or doing a line - which is what most 23 year olds do - doesn't seem like a deterrent. More importantly, they're sending her to an All-Female correctional facility, where we're afraid she'll 'learn stuff' - and we guys will lose here forever..... Stay Strong, LiLo ....

Adding Our Two Cents to The LeBronathon ...

Will King James Choose Miami, Manhattan, Or Middle America ?

With just a few hours til LeBron James ends all speculation of where he will play basketball via a Media Circus, we would like to take a minute to convince him where to play.... In New York. While the Knicks have already noted how the Big Apple is the center stage, and Madison Square Garden will enable to become a star beond his wildest dreams, we would like to remind him that New York has one other thing Miami, Cleveland and Chicago don't....... Me.

Seriously, you can find other lackeys to latch onto you in your posse, but yours truly is the best at it. I've been doing it for years, and I'm a master of it here in Long Island. No doubt that Cleveland and Akron have exhausted all their cache by this point. It's time to move onto bigger and better things. If you come here, who are you gonna leave it up - some guy who hasn't been here before? I know how to get everywhere: The Hamptons to hang with P. Diddy? Easy!! Gotta hit Manhattan for a Fashion Show? I got train and subway tokens in my car.....Want to know all he hottest places around? Well.... I can find someone who knows them.. Case closed.

We still think if LeBron (who we're convinced him named after a Chrysler LeBaron and goofed it) wants to win a few rings, he'll end up in Miami - with all the heat and mugginess and Cubans. If he prefers cooler weather, with less mugginess and Puerto Ricans instead of Cubans, New York is the place to be - and your truly is an added bonus.


Sunday, July 04, 2010

SC6 New Music Pick: Maroon 5, 'Misery'

Maroon 5 is a odd band to us.... We kind od like them, although we have a penchant for calling them 'Manure 5'. Hey, we don't name 'em, we just pick on them.... While they can't be considered original, there's no mistaking them when they're on the radio, which is the hardest trick of all...
Well, Adam Levine and the boys are back with a new CD. The first track is called 'Misery'. Although it doesn't feature Kathy Bates hobbling James Caan, if you're a Maroon 5 fan, you won't be let down. As for the video, this kind of thing happens to me ALL THE TIME .....

Fuzzy Thoughts: Independence Day Edition

Welcome to another Sunday edition of Fuzzy Thoughts. Like you, we've had an eventful weekend. Things have finally quieted down after yesterday's big bash. Had about 70 people show up for drinks, tons of food, a comfy pool, fireworks, and of course, friendship. It was a bit warm for here (85 degrees), but it was still better than what thet get down in SC this time of year. It might have been the first Memorial day, 4th of July or Labor Day that I didn't sweat my ass off in 13 years....
Carol kept me plenty busy: had to run to the Italain food store for various items ($17 for Roasted Peppers, WTF?), then I stopped by the Party Store for tablecloths, napkins and plates, and I got ice also. I did a nice job of decorating the tablecloths with stars and flags, but I'm getting worried: I'm over 40, I'm single, I dress like a Metrosexual, I'm neat, I apprently have a knack for decoration, and I kinda like Bravo. I MIGHT be Gay ..... not that there's anything wrong with that.....
Yes, The Manny was in full force yesterday: I watched Stevie, drove home a couple friends, made a much-needed cigarette run for Carol, and even stayed up til 400AM to clean up so Carol wouldn't wake up to a dirty yard. I am awesome..... With that, we don't have a whole lot in politics to discuss, but we'll try anyway.... bring on the Fuzz !!!!
I'm not sure it was real, but I saw a Newsweek cover with Nikki Haley on it. A Haley win would be all nice and well, but it might be wise to wait until she actually wins to call her 'The New Face of Southern Politics'. With the primary and runoff win, we think Will Folks' career could be in jeopardy. We still believe him, and he was backed into a corner, but Will's gonna have a hard time being believed from here on.....
Meanwhile, Haley supporter, Sarah Palin, has been dogged by suggestions that she had a boob job somewhere along the way. After having 5 kids, i'd have to agree that they've been worked on. Yesterday, Carol's niece was on the trampoline, showing off her recently enhanced hooters. Rule of thumb: if they ain't moving , they ain't real, and Palin's seem to be standing at attention... BTW, I saw my first Jenna Jameson clip this week, and I was a bit disappointed, although the guy she worked with didn't have much to offer, if you catch my drift....
Best news of the week: though we may not agree much with it, we have to admit the timing of re-enacting the $8000 home buyer tax credit couldn't have been better. I dropped about $6k this week to get the place ready,and it should be going on the market by month's end....
If you never knew it, Fuzzy Thoughts was patterned after Larry King's column. Like his, it is often non-sensical, but at least it has variety. Well, word is King's CNN show is coming to a close after a precipitous ratings drop. Who are we going to pick on now? Don't worry, we'll find someone.....
You know, it gets harder to support Michael Steele when the guy can't even get his facts straight. Yeah Mike, Bush was the first to go to Afghanistan, not Obama... We might agree that the war there could be unwinnable, but you get more credit when you don't look like you're polticizing events with revisionist history.... Kudos to Bill Connor for stepping up as Chairman of Jim Pratt's campaign to unseat Whipper Clyburn. It's a tough chore, but we applaud his willingness to stick his neck out and help.....
Lastly, we've found a new home in the BlogNetNews ratings - Number 13. Nope, it's hard to stay up near the top working the hours we are, but we do appreciate the readers we have... OTOH, P-Luv is become a ratings juggernaut at Number 7. We've created a Monster....

Post Number 2800: The Nightmare Returns

The World's Ugliest License Plate Is Back ......
Actually, this is Number 2802 ... I fell asleep at the wheel this morning, and didn't check the post count - not that it matters much. The saying goes that everything old becomes new again. Why that may apply to bell bottoms, lava lamps and Rat Pack, Poker and cigars, it doesn't always mean that the coming back of something old is a good thing - like Herpes.
Case in Point. Many moons ago, New York State had the ugliest license plates around. Orange-Gold, with Blue lettering, it stuck out like a sore thumb, and policemen were the only ones who liked them, because it made reading your tag to give you a ticket easier. So, about 20 years ago, the went to white plates with the Empire State Building on it, then white with a blue trim on top. No one had any complaints, because white is a neutral color, and it matched almost any color car. Problem was, it now looked like South Carolina's current tag (minus the inexplicable Sedona Sunset), which looks like Michigan's tag, which looks like Illinois' get the idea.
So, what do you do? You bring back the Ugly. Yep, they're back, and no one is happy about it. The picture above isn't a fair description of it's gaudiness, because Joe's Roush Mustang is the only color that actually does match it. Picture this on a black car, or a red car or green. It truly is abhorrent. It's like you escaped the monster in your childhood closet, and 30 years later, it jumps back out at you. On a side note, we may be coming back to SC fulltime just to avoid having to register the Avalon here - maybe when it cools off a bit.

The Available Women List Gets Shorter...

With the onset of Summer, the wedding bells have been ringing loud and clear, much to our disappointment. It's been a tough month for us here at SC6.... First, we lost Ms. X, then in quick succession, Megan Fox, Kate Middleton, and now, word is that Chelsea Clinton will tie the knot with her longtime fiancee. While we didn't have much faith in bagging Fox or Middleton, we thought that Chelsea was in our target range...

Yep, on July 31st, the former gawky, frizzy haired teen from the 90's , who later grew out of it and discovered straightener, will be wedded in Little Rock, Arkansas ....... wait, I mean Rhinebeck, New York. Gotcha!! Yeah, like the Clinton's are EVER going back to Arkan-fucking-sas .... Seriously, have any of them been back in the last ten years?

Anyway, while we debate whether the Fox-Brian Austin 90210 thing will last, or whether Middleton's marriage to Prince William involves any type of shotgun, we regretfully check off our second favorite Chelsea of the list (sorry, we still think Chelsea Handler is Number One).... Who's Next?


Looks Like the Dutch Still Rule South Africa ....

Classify this under Life Isn't Always Fair..... After disposing of the favored Brazil squad, The Netherlands (or Holland, or Dutch) team advanced to the Semifinals of the World Cup in South Africa. We find two things disturbing about this: first, that the country that oppressed the South African people for centuries as they plundered their natural resources, killed hundreds in prison, and locked people in ghettos might actually win on their turf. Secondly, we fear the possibility of Goldmember showing up for the next match against Uruguay.... 'I LOOOOOOOOOVE GOLD , AND DAT'S THE VAY , UH-HUH, UH-HUH, I LIKE IT - KC and De Sunshine Band."

If The Netherlands do get by Uruguay, they will most likely face Germany, who will probably pummel Spain. If so, it sets up a Holland-Germany matchup in the final. Our prediction? If so, Belgium will most likely not survive the onslaught from both sides...


Today's Quote: Declarations

"The Declaration of Independence is the declaratory charter of our rights, and the rights of Man."
-Thomas Jefferson.
We have our own declaration....... With beautiful, All-American women like Sloane Peterson (aka, Mia Sara - big ups to Brooklyn) in plentiful supply, America is and will always be the greatest country in the world - even if our Soccer teams suck....

Cartoon of the Week

With the slow week in politics (we had trouble finding anything to tlak about), the cartoons naturally lacked any oomph... The top story, aside from the passing of Robert Byrd, was Elena Kagan's coasting through the Senate confirmation hearings. No, we wouldn't classify this view of it as totally correct - no one seemed particularly wowed with her - at leats it was the most topical....
