Irony: a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.
Most of the time I don't about why things happen. You can drive yourself crazy thinking about 'what if he/she didn't do this or that'. Plane crashes, car accidents and other things usually aren't avoidable - unless you mean to change your plans completely. But what if you get hurt going to something that shouldn't even be existing??
This takes me to last week's car crash involving New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine. For those of you who don't know all the details, the Governor was injured on the Garden State Parkway to mediate a summit meeting. And who were the two groups he was helping? A major company and a Union? Some big Tri-State agency? Nope. It was a meeting between The Rutgers Ladies basketball team and Don Imus!!
Which leads me to today's big question.... Since Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson made such a big deal out of Imus' dumb comment - so much that they felt the need to have a meeting mediated by the Governor - do they feel at all responsible for Corzine's compound leg fracture, six broken ribs and cracked vertebrae? Seriously ... If this ridiculous meeting hadn't been set up by these idiots, Corzine would be fine.
Sure, you can play 'what if' with Buddy Holly, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Sam Kinison, but these were about people with set business schedules that were not out of their ordinary plans. Corzine had his own schedule, but he had to change it to squeeze this useless SALT II talk of stupidity in - and he almost got killed. Maybe he should wear his seat belt when riding shotgun as well.
Dear Governor, next time the phone rings and it's Big Al, just let it ring...............
CSI Reino, that was six ribs on each side, victim was unrestrained. We hear that Extreme HAkim has plans to sue the airbag manufacturer...
BTW, any leads on the hit and run pick up truck being owned by CBS radio and driven by an illegal immigrant with a haul of Andean snow and Cuban cigars for the gala celebration of Imus firing?
What a shame and since I am such big fans of both I will say no more. Also I just got off a hell of a ride in the sky between FLO and CLT and one more to go to reach Philly.
how about 90 mph
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