HELP WANTED.......Basic cable channel/ local government agency looking for ascerbic Host/District Attorney to fill two vacancies..............
I couldn't help but notice the irony of today's announcement that officially cleared the three Duke Lacrosse team members of raping a stripper. At the same time, there is all the outrage over Don Imus' disparaging remarks about the Rutgers University Women's Basketball squad. What ties them together? Well, they both are college athletic programs, and both have had terrible things said about them. While we should have empathy for both of them, are they truly on par with each other?
I have listened to Don Imus since childhood - and there is a good reason I call him Im-Ass. He lacks talent, and his time for saying something stupid was due. But, can the words of an idiot that weren't even spoken directly to you really affect someone as much as their coach has said? I have trouble seeing how. It reminds me of the time at work that I had an African-American customer call me a "MF-ing Cracker". Do I take these uniformed words seriously? No. But do I remember them? Obviously yes.
Words are just that - words, nothing more. The power of them are determined by how you react to them. I didn't cry, punch, shoot or verbally attack they guy........ in fact, I laughed at him in his face - then he broke my nose. Just kidding! If I were on the Rutgers team, I would call Al 'Tawana Brawley" Sharpton, and tell him, "Thanks, Jackass - please shut up." If he didn't make Professional Victims out of everyone, what would he have to do?
College is a time when you learn a lot of life decisions - good and bad. This week is a prime example of it. Putting yourself in bad positions, staying away from professional mudslingers are examples of the challenges they face. It's sad when that cocoon is shattered by outside events caused by idiots and politicians.........
how about a nappy gang rape?
Al could run for President. Everyone else is.
As Al Sharpton would say, "Been There, Done That."
While Nifong might be protected from libel and slander suits for his malfeasance, Sharpton lost and paid damages to Nifong's counterpart in the Tawana Brawley farce.
To think I may have voted for Sharpton, I may have to reconsider more of Kwadjo's requests...
Is it just me or does Mike Nifong look like Slick Willie?
Al and Jessie finally won something.
Yes moye, they can lay claim to lynching Don Imus!
Riddle me this, is it true that during its heyday, the Klan never lynched a Democrat?
WR I would say you are right about the KKK
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