I got a call from Earl today. His Friday post about me running for Vice-President (like you RUN for Veep) broke his all-time high of hits - 310 over the weekend!! It seems that everyone jacks up their hits by writing about me. Except me, of course. Honestly, I don't even know how to track hits on this blog. For all I know, this blog is like a tree falling in the woods.......
Surely, there must be other reasons for the high hit number. Maybe it was because it said "Florence Republican", and not me specifically. Maybe, but really, who do you think they were talking about? Hugh Leatherman? Tommy Phillips? Frank Willis? Oh, I forgot - he's a Democrat... Right. I guess there are a few people in town more qualified than me to be VP. Potato............ I'm qualified. Use the safety lock on the shotgun...........I'm qualified. I DID NOT invent the Internet............I'm qualified. Don't cheat on your income taxes..................I'm qualified. Don't shoot the Secretary of the Treasury.......I'm qualified. I could keep this up all night folks!
Some didn't like Earl putting me on his blog, due to my lack of Q-Factor. Perhaps it is a bit of an inside joke, but only by getting the joke out there does it become funny to everyone. Like the insanity that ensues at Moye's house in Greeleyville on Flag Day. Anyone else get it? Too bad......
Mike, it was 310 visits the first day, but I ran a spike all the way through the weekend. Well above my 144 daily average.
I'll say associating with you is a good thing, as long as people don't actually know that it's you I'm associating with.
So, come over here for the photo shoot, but turn your head when it's time for the picture. We'll graft Condi Rice over the back of your head, ok?
Glad to use my fame to assist you anytime, Earl...
As far as the head morphs, that's what Photo Shop is for, right?
I thought you meant Potato shoot like the vodka from Poland or the home brew from Greeleyville we use on Flag Day. Now you need to track those hits.
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