Monday, November 30, 2009

2009 Baseball Hall of Fame Class: BLAH !!

The Doors to Cooperstown May Be Closed This Year ....

As any sports fan knows, getting elected to the Hall of Fame in Baseball is the hardest of all to win. I think voters are only allowed three choices, and a winner has to be on 75 percent of all the ballots, so you do the math. It's a tough racket.... One voter leave a spot blank? You're screwed. Another voter can't stand the team you played on? Maybe he'll be dead next year.... You're on the ballot the same year as Ted Williams? Good Luck! A year with three winners is almost impossible. Sometimes there are two. Often, there is only one winner.....

And then, there is this year, when the crop of eligible players isn't exactly sparkling. The leading newcomer seems to be Roberto Alomar, who had good stats, but never won a championship. That happens when you spend most of your career in Baltimore. Sorry, Bobby! Then you have guys like Barry Larkin and Fred McGriff, who were good, but never considered the best in the game at their positions. Lastly, there are retreads like Bert Blyleven, Dave Parker and Andre Dawson, who are like McGriff, but 20 years older. Anyone of these look like surefire winners to you? Me neither. There is a real good chance that the gates to Cooperstown will be welded shut in 2009. As it should be. I loved Don Mattingly, but even I will admit that Donnie Baseball needed to play another 5-7 years to have HOF-worthy stats..... There is one longshot - Mark McGwire. But the juicing stigma is still pretty fresh.

So, baseball fans, don't book that front row seat to next Summer's Induction ceremony just yet - you might be the only one. I took the field at Doubleday Field. Once. As a batboy....... But even I can tell you that Pat Hentgen, Robin Ventura, Ellis Burks and Alan Trammell aren't gonna make it this year - or any....


America Awaits Our Next Move in Afghanistan..

Tomorrow, Barack Obama will outline our military's next move in the War on Terror in Afghanistan. And millions of Americans await his plan, myself being one. You see, my Cousin Christopher is in the 82nd Airborne, and he's been back from his first tour in Iraq for about 12 months now.... That means whereever we are going , he will likely be the first to go again. They don't call them the Tip of the Spear for nothing.....

I'm no expert on military stuff. But, watching history, I can safely say that an Iraqi-like surge is not a guarantee for success. Compared to the Afghans, Iraqis are pussies.... They've been at war for centuries. The terrain is much, much harder to take. We are as tough as ever, and I have no doubts about our ability, but Afghanistan will be much, much tougher to win, and 40,000 extra troops seems insufficient, which is what Obama is rumored to have OK'd..

There are two things I like to know for sure before I do them: one is knowing a girl will say 'yes' if I ask her out.... the second is winning a war before I go in. I'm not sure total victory is an absolute here. I go back to it all the time, but watch 'Charlie Wilson's War' to get an idea of what the Afghan people are like. War is second nature to them. We shouldn't do nothing, but there are options. Meanwhile, thousands of families of soldiers like Chris wait for the orders to march. How will it turn out, Gust?

We'll See .........

PGA Bans Tiger Woods For Infidelity .....

No, Tiger isn't getting banned from the PGA for cheating on his wife. That would be ridiculous..... but only slightly more ridiculous than impeaching Mark Sanford for the same thing, don't you think? Of course you don't !! Maybe they'll hold a joint charity Pro-Am ....... or do more PSA's for monogamy. Guess that would be like those PSA's Michael Vick did against dogfighting. Nevermind ......................


Sunday, November 29, 2009

The SC6 Candidate Music Series Rolls On, With a Happy Birthday Wish As Well ..

Today's Spotlight Is On Superintendent of Ed Candidate Kelly Payne ...

Today, we pull double duty with the Candidate Music Series. Why? Because not only did we get our request answered (very quickly BTW) by Kelly Payne, but we found out that it's also her birthday on Monday. We're a bit worried, because we always are afraid of teachers catching spelling or grammar errors on our blog posts.....

Yes, it's Kelly's birthday, and we're not going to ever tell a woman's age, although it is less than mine. Kelly is what all teachers should be: hardworking, dedicated to her kids, a Republican, and maybe just a bit sexy.... Hey, I always did better in class with the cuter teachers and prof's..... Anyway, back to her free birthday present: James Taylor's 'Carolina on My Mind' .. I think he might be talking about North Carolina, but who cares? It's a beautiful song. I found a live version with The Dixie Chicks singing backup. Happy Birthday, Kelly !!


Tiger ......

Here is our only comment on Tiger Woods' car accident this week ..... It just goes to show that even the best golfer in the world could always use help with his driving. Sorry !!!


SC6's Cartoon of the Week

Things got better in the cartoon world this week. The Christmas season is already starting to infiltrate the field already, but that's way too early for us. We almost chose one that talked about Harry Reid's spending to get the Health Care Bill more palatable for the Senate. But, with it being Thanksgiving Week, we thought it would be better to choose one that stuck with the theme - and the lead hammer commentary that we love oh so much .... Plus, this cartoon was in color !

Christmas Season Has Officially Started ...

There it is... The family Christmas Tree is up at the Ricci household, and thus, Christmas Season is now upon us.... This year's tree is smaller than last year, from what I'm told. The last tree was 14 feet high and cost $900, but Joe tossed it out because he couldn't put stuff on top without getting an AFLAC policy... Kinda like dumping your supermodel girlfriend because she spends too much.
The whole Christmas thing has been pretty foreign to me for the past decade. I haven't even put up a tree since 2004, and I figured out that the last time we had a family tree decoration party was about 1985...... We always did Christmas a bit different.. We put up the tree on December 18th - Grandpa's Birthday - and took it down January 6th - the 12th day of Christmas, so there was a method behind the madness.
It's going to be an interesting year. A Christmas with little kids getting all excited , waiting for Santa to come. And also a Christmas with Christmas-like weather! There's just something not right with wearing shorts on Christmas Day.... It's not here yet - 50 degrees and sunny today - but it's coming!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Remembering a REAL Lifesaver ....

Ingenuiety is by far the most important skill in advancing society. Lots of people can make a substance or an object, but it is the useful application of that item that makes us progress. Bill Gates didn't invent the computer, or even the mouse - a couple guys from Xerox did. But he knew the impact of what it could do was. In that vein, we honor Lester Shubin .....

Lester Who? Exactly. I couldn't even find a picture of him. That's how unknown Shubin was. But that is irrelevant. Shubin can be credited with saving the lives of over 3000 cops in the last few decades. How? Shubin invented the Kevlar Bulletproof Vest. No, Shubin did not invent Kevlar - that was the lady they always show on the DuPont commercials. But Shubin, who was a Justice Department engineer at the time, figured out that Kevlar could be made into a jacket to keep cops safer.

He also advanced the use of drug-sniffing dogs in the 1970's - a concept that is pretty much accepted today. Kevlar had it's critics in the day too - like the manufacturers who feared liability if it failed. That all ended when a Philadelphia city cop was shot at point-blank range, and walked away with minor bruises. Shubin stayed on at the Justice Department until he retired in 1992. This week, he passed away at the age of 84 at his home in Virginia. It must be pretty cool to know that you made a difference in so many people's lives with one small application. We'll say it for everyone else...... Thanks !

We have a big surprise to add to this post.... Mr. Shubin's granddaughter ran across our post on a Google search, and sent us a couple pictures of him to add. Thanks a lot, Rachel - and thanks to your Grandfather !


SC6 Continues It's Candidate Music Series..

We Finish Up the Lt. Gov. Candidates With Tim Scott

We don't expect the particular musical choice of a candidate to influence your vote for them. If it does, we will gladly call Voter Registration, and tell them that you are dead (at least in the brain), and ask them to cancel your eligibility to vote. However, we think it does give you a little insight to them as a person, and it makes the campaign process a bit more fun. Let the other guys ask them their stance on Education Funding.....

In case you missed the first two, we highlighted the other two Republican Lt. Governor candidates previously. Florence County Councilman Ken Ard is a Bruce Springsteen fan, while Lt. Col. Bill Connor chose Jimmy Buffett as his favorite musician. Today, we're spotlighting Charleston area State Legislator Tim Scott. Tim decided that two choices were better than one, and we didn't want to pick, so we're showing both.

The first is William 'Wee Gee' Howard's "Hold On (To Your Dreams)". It's an Old School classic, although it is kinda long. Here's the link:

The second clip is a bit of a surprise. Apparently, Tim is a Christian Rock fan too. His second pick is Jeremy Camp's version of 'You Are Worthy of My Praise'. Ahhhh, to hear guitars again !!

Thanks to Tim, Bill and Ken for being good sports with us and taking the time to play. Now we attack the other statewide candidates for insight into ther musical tastes !!!!


If You're Gonna Do It, Henry, Do It Today ....

South Carolina Waits For McMaster to Drop the Axe on Sanford ..

An update from 750 miles away on the Mark Sanford saga. This story has become your own. No one up here cares about it anymore. Like most things that catch our attention for 48 hours, it was all about the Sex.... Yeah, the Ethics Committee's 37 count allegation aganst Sanford made the paper up here - but it was on about page 25....

That being said, to political junkies in SC, it's still big news. I picture news crews staked out in front of Henry McMaster's home and office, waiting for any sign that he's made a decision to indict or not.... That is, they're staked out in between trips to WalMart to interview Black Friday customers. And it's for that reason that we say to McMaster, if you plan on dropping the bomb, do it today....

For years, anytime someone has to release contrversial news, they do it at about 4:00 PM Friday or later. When the House passed it's Health Care legislation, it was 11:00 PM Saturday. That gives you an idea of how bad that bill is... The last time I got fired, it was on a Thursday. I went back the next day, and firebombed the place. Next time, they'll know better. Yep, firings, divorces, bad quarterly financials - they all come out on Friday afternoon, so you'll be too busy and preoccupied to notice or care...

And this isn't just Friday, it's Black Friday! Everyone is so jazzed up with Christmas shopping and getting the ultimate parking spot at the mall, they'll never even notice. There will not be a better time, unless you notice on the calendar that Christmas and New Year's Day both fall on Friday this year too. I guess Henry does have time, although he probably already knows wat he is going to do. Friday is the day. Maybe today, maybe in 4 or 5 weeks, but who wants to work on Christmas Day? He could do it Christmas Eve, but I'd pass on a Thursday - Mark Sanford might burn his house down......


Thursday, November 26, 2009

SC6 Picture of the Day Returns !!! This Is How Pumpkin Pies Are Made ???

Thanks, Bobby ! I'm really starting to worry about the people I hang out with......

Thanksgiving: A Day of Traditions....

Looks Like the Indians - I Mean Native Americans - Got a Seat at the Kiddie Table That Year .....
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, and I hope you had better things to do than read this blog today. If not, may better things await you in the future.... As for me, I'll be going to Joe's brother's house to celebrate the day. It seems like I spend the holidays at someone new's house every year. Such is the life of a political and social gypsy......
But, even for people like me, there are constants that remain year after year, no matter where I am on Thanksgiving Day. There's always the Macy's Parade, which I've never been to. Then there are local things, like WPIX always showing Laurel and Hardy's 'March of the Wooden Soldiers'. They almost skipped it, but thanks to lots of angry viewers, it will air today. lastly, for those folk/rocker/dope smoker buddies of mine, there is Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant. Since we always like to be a little different, here is the clip of the song:
and.... Part II
and...... Part III

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Will Someone Please Teach These Yankee Boys How to Hunt ???!!

The 'Elusive' Wild Turkey ......
If there is one thing I will admit for sure, it's that Long Island guys CANNOT hunt! We'd be better off buying a turkey at the store, and saying we bagged it, than actually trying to shoot one.... The boys Down South and over in Pennsylvania - where hunting is a religion, not just a sport - do it way better. However, i had no idea that we were THIS BAD ......
How bad? Here's how bad. For the first time in about a century, it is legal to hunt Wild Turkey on Long Island. The wildlife people estimate that there are over 3000 of them around the area, so they figured thinning the herd might be a good idea. That is, until they found out how inept we are with a shotgun... The area sold over 200 permits to hunt Wild Turkey, and after five days, they have estimated that - GUESS HOW MANY? - turkeys have been shot? How about eight? Yes, eight.....
No, Wild turkeys aren't the easiest birds to shoot, but they're not that hard.... Maybe it's just lies, but I've heard you can scare one to death by blowing an air horn, or that they drown by looking up in the air when it rains.... Hell, i saw two of them at William Floyd's estate last month. Clearly, this is the biggest mismatch of wild game and a hunter since this guy ......

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

There's Gay, Then There Is Too Gay ...

Is He Kissing the Guy From A Flock of Seagulls ??

Watch my amazing high wire act, as I try to discuss a Gay Kiss on national television without inciting the rath of Waldo.... Well, all hell and fury seem to be falling down on Adam Lambert's number at the American Music Awards, which must have seemed to be more like the MTV Movie Awards winner for Best Kiss. Personally, I liked the one with Rachel McAdams in 'The Notebook' more......

For a guy who six months ago wouldn't tell anyone if he was or if he wasn't, Adam Lambert sure has let his gayness out of the closet bigtime. Does it bother me? Nope, not really... I don't care if someone is gay or not. I kinda like gay guys. They're usually pretty funny, and they always dress better than I do too... But getting back to Lambert, America isn't as into Bravo as I am. Kissing and fondling a guy, and having someone stick their face in your crotch (which doesn't make you gay in Puerto Rico) is more than Middle America is used to......

I missed American Idol this year, but Joe said Lambert was pretty good, so I'll take his word for it. Talent will always get you there, but the jury is still out on whether this is a 'Wardrobe Malfunction' moment, or just a freak show that torpedoes his career before it takes off. America likes it's gays as unthreatening, like Ellen or Rosie O'Donnell before she went ape shit crazy..... Lambert was in the Safe Gay Zone until this week - that is, Mom & Dad would let their teenage daughters buy his CD's because he seemed like the nice boy who just happens to like other boys. That may be down the drain now......


Monday, November 23, 2009

Simple Tips to Keep Your Hoopdie Running Well

22 Inch Rims DO NOT Make the Engine Last Longer ......
There was an article online at Consumer Reports that listed 9 Myths about car care. While we don't agree with Number 8 (good luck getting the dealer to OK a blown engine under warranty when you change your own oil, buddy!), the others are very good, common sense tips for keeping your car in shape... Here's the link, and Happy Driving!

The NY - SC Stimulus Connection .....

It's not easy trying to find politically related stuff between Long Island and South Carolina, but I still try. Most days, it's a exercise in futility, but then days like today come, when it falls together nicely.... I give you the Calverton, Long Island - Chapin, South Carolina - Economic Stimulus Tie-In!
Each state has been trying to keep you up to date on just what impact the Economic Stimulus Bill has had on their economy. Mostly, it's to try and show you that they got their piece of the pie, but the truth is it's not that easy to tell... Case in point. Here are Long Island, we have two National Cemetaries - Pinelawn Cemetary in Farmingdale, which is pretty much full, and Calverton National Cemetary on the East End, which is newer. From the picture above, you can see that the grave markers for our dead heroes are getting kind of crooked. The project to straighten them is part of the nearly $350 million in funds that went to Long Island from the Stimulus. The cost of this project is estimated at $1.2 million.....
You would think that a local company would be able to handle the job, but nope, this project was given to Allserv Inc., or Chapin, South Carolina. I'm not sure what exactly goes into straightening out crooked tombstones, but I'm sure they'll tell us at some point. One would think a whack with a rubber sledgehammer would do the trick, but what do I know?
More importantly than this project's cost of necessity for this post is the confusion of which area is truly benefiting from the stimulus... Long Island is taking credit for the project, but isn't South Carolina actually getting the money? Conversely, there are $70 million in projects awarded to Long Island companies that are not in Long Island. The question of this is, doesn't all this cross-awarding of projects actually decieve voters into believeing that they got more than they actually did? Is this what actually is going on, or is there a criteria that decides what state/region can take credit for the project? Sure Savannah River Site may get a $2 billion add-on, but if it's awarded to a company in Nevada, do we really benefit here? Do I make any sense at all ????
Anyway, I'm going to go out to Calverton with my sledgehammer in the meantime, and start whacking those tombstones straight. If I finish first, I'll just bill Allserv or Washington DC .....

Inappropriate Things You Can Only Say on Thanksgiving Day ....

A Turkey With Tan Lines ???
Since we have no idea if we'll have enough time to blog between now and Thanksgiving Day, we decided to post this now. We got this forwarded to us, and all we'll say is Chad has some sick friends, but they're true Patriots, so they are entitled to a little perversion. Here are 18 comments that you can only get away with on Thanksgiving Day .....
1. Talk about a Huge Breast !!
2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist..
3. It's Cool Whip Time !
4. If I don't undo my pants soon, I'm gonna burst !
5. That's one terrific spread..
6. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat ..
7. Are you ready for seconds yet?
8. It's a little dry.... Do you still want to eat it??
9. Just wait your turn, you'll get some ...
10. Don't play with your meat...
11. Just spread the legs open a little and stuff it in...
12. Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?
13. I didn't expect people to come all at once !
14. Honey, you still have a little bit on your chin, there....
15. How long will it take after you stick it in?
16. You'll know it's done when it pops up ....
17. Wow, I didn't think I could handle all of that (rarely heard in my house)
18. That's the biggest one I've ever seen !! ( see #17)
Feel free to pass it on and Gobble, Gobble - OOPS !!!

Economic Forecast Brightens a Bit for 2010 ...

"Now Helping Number 22,457,245 ...... Number 22,457,245 ???"

We always try to give you the straight dope here at SC6.... Why? Because we're not smart enough to lie well.... Anyway, we're not here to scare the crap out of you, and tell you the end is near because of Obama. Nor will we try to paint a rosier picture than it actually is. The facts are we are in very mixed economic times....

As far as macroeconomic terms aka, Big Business, they are not ready to make a move forward yet. Christmas is now upon us, and the signs are there all over: I went to get a Christmas tree with Joe, and we had to go to another Costco 20 miles away to get the tree he wanted. Because they were all sold out? NOPE. Because they didn't stock any there. Businesses of all types are still keeping inventories low, for fear of being stuck with unselllable crap after the holidays. Since the inventories are low, there is no need to produce more, and hence, no need to hire additonal workers in production - at least not yet.

But, eventually, they will need to make more stuff, and the news is that 2010 is the year that the turnaround will begin - slightly. No, 2010 is not going to be a banner year by any means, but it should be the end of the bleeding that started nearly 2 years ago. January is when companies forecast the year, and then begin hiring for that year, so word is that by March, a very small and slow job improvemet will begin - and the Stimulus will have very little to do with it.

From the microeconomic standpoint, aka households, there are some encouraging signs that Americans have FINALLY realized what hell credit cards can get you into. According to the lending companies, customers are paying back their cards faster - and just as importantly - on time, that at any rate in recent memory. Combine that with the nearly 500% increase in the rate of saving (all the way to a 'whopping' 4.5%), and it is a good sign that Middle Americans are getting their shit together financially. THAT is what will pull us out of the economic hole we're in, not more borrowing or spending. There's a lot to be said for living frugally and sensibly.........


SC6 Cartoon of the Week ....

This week, the pickings were a bit slimmer than last week. We had already talked about the 9/11 trial a couple times, so we didn't wnat to overkill the topic this week. So instead,we chose a cartoon about Sarah Palin's new book out this week. After all, we ARE a political blog....
I'm not sure how much of a chance Palin has in 2012, but the book certainly will help or hinder those chances, depending on how she comes across during the tour.... We'll see.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Rudy is Nothing If Not Pragmatic ....

So, Who Is This Loser Driving Me Around All Day ??
Word out of the Big Apple today is that Rudy Giuliani has decided to run for office in new York in 2010. Which office it was going to be was up for debate, but like the realistic and savvy guy that he is, Rudy appears to be poised to run for the GOP against short time Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Kirsten Who? EXACTLY ......
The days of Clashes of the Titans in politics is pretty much over. Rudy vs. Hillary would have been great in 2000, but it didn't materialize. Just like that, Rudy vs. Andrew Cuomo isn't going to happen either. Nope, there are plenty of reasons to see why Rudy will take on Gillibrand, and any one of them would be enough...
First off, and most importantly, Cuomo is well-respected by voters. He's been a big scumbag for the voters, and on more important issues than Craigslist or Internet Porn. OOPS! Did I just criticize someone back home? Anyway, Cuomo also has name recognition. It's easy when your Dad was Governor for 12 years. Thirdly, Cuomo has about $10 million in the bank already - WOW !! Giuliani will be starting from scratch, but he should easily be able to rack up enough to whip Gillibrand, who's most noteable achievement was being picked by a Governor with an approval rating of about 18 percent.....Remember when Jim DeMint was ranked Number 99 in the Senate Power Poll? Well, Gillibrand took over that spot - Hillary Lite, indeed..
Lastly, US Senator is way more fun of a gig than Governor of New York. Who wants to have to fight every union in the state and deal with $4 billion deficits in Albany, when you can hang out at Hewlett-Packard's annual junket in the Turks & Caicos Islands - and say 'what deficit? HAHAHA !!!' all year long? It's a no-brainer, and that's why Rudy is going the smart route - because he's a smart guy. BTW, you think he'll remember me?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Spinning Bullshit Into Egyptian Cotton ...

Whether It's True or a Lie, It's Still an Interesting Story About Harry Reid's Uncle Remus ......

Yes, apparently Sen. Harry Reid has an Uncle Remus. Or more correctly, a great-great Uncle Remus. I got this story passed onto me by an nonymous person who will remain our District Chairman.... The story is that a Judy Wallman was doing her ancestral research, and she found out that a relative that she and Harry Reid share, named Remus Reid, was a noted horse stealer and train robber, who was hanged in Montana in 1889. Supposedly, she even found this picture of him at the gallows, and inscribed on the back was "Remus Reid: horse thief. Sent to Territorial prison, 1885. Escaped in 1887. Robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889."

According to the story, Wallman contacted Reid's staff, notifying him of their common ancestor. This is the reply she supposedly got back from Sen. Reid's staff.... 'Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His business empire grew to include valuable equestrian acquisitions and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. In 1883, he devoted several years of his life to public service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in is honor , when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."

Do I think this story is true? No, but it is pretty funny, and a great example of how you can spin anything positively if you try hard enough......


The Mayans Were Wrong..... The World Will Officially End in 2011 .

At least for a slew of hausfraus across America, it will seem like the end of the world.... Tomorrow, Oprah Winfrey will announce that her megagrossing daytime show will be ending at a date to be named, sometime in 2011. That will be her 25th Anniversary, and it's fitting for her. There are no more mountains to climb. After all, she got Barack Obama elected President. Short of having Kanye West voted in as God, she's pretty much taken the power trip as far as it can go..... Here's thanking God for allowing me to always find something else to do at 4:00 PM for the past 25 years !!!!

Carol & Sarah Have Got the Cyrus Virus ...... And There Ain't No Cure !!!!!

It's guy's night in the house tonight - Me, Joe and Stevie. Well, Stevie's only two, but we'll count him for tonight as a guy... Why is it just testosterone in the house? Because Carol took Sarah to see Miley Cyrus - not Hannah Montana! Yep, about 15,000 tweeners and their moms (hopefully no Dads have to endure this) are rockin' out to Billy Ray's kid at the Nassau Coliseum.
It seems just like yesterday that women all over the South were losing their minds over Miley's Daddy and his HUGE MULLET !! Is it just me, or does Miley have Vampire Fangs?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Not All 9/11 Trial Critics Are Republicans ....

Even a Blind Governor Can See That ..... Uhh ,Wait a Second

For all the partisanship that there seems to be in having the 9/11 Trial in New York, there are small signs - based on common sense - that having the trial in Lower Manhattan is not the best idea to come down the pike. Now, Mallomars - THAT was a good idea, but I digress....

Yep, the one Democrat dissenter appears to once again be New York Governor David Paterson. The man who seems to have his middle finger perpetually stuck up in Barack Obama's direction sided with most Republicans, and said that there are inherent dangers to innocent people by having the trial here. The more I see Paterson, the more I like him, which is bad for his career.

Paterson, who's ratings are still at or below the Mendoza Line, has been on a tear against winning a full term in 2010. First he called out Obama for asking him not to run. Then, he decided that balancing the budget by cutting spending, including - GASP !!! - education was needed. Now, he second guesses Eric Holder ??!!!!! The man has lost his political mind, but I'm loving every minute of it.....Very refreshing -like a Sprite!

As much fun as it is, this has to be the finest example of a guy willing to anything to get out of his job since........ well, since this: Hit 'Em , Lester !!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Post Number 2400: We Do Take Requests Here.

A Reader in Florence Asks , 'Dear Kasey, How About Half-Naked Pics of Kari Wuhrer Today?' .... Well, Here You Go......
Like a drug dealer or a pimp, I'm not a bad guy..... I'm just providing a service. Giving the people what they want -know what I's saying?? Actually, my A-game may be falling off a bit here. After all, it is getting pretty cold up here. I think I have Brain Freeze, because how I could do a Remote Control tribute post - and not add Kari Wuhrer pics is beyond me. I was going to write a poem about her, but are there any other words that rhyme with 'Wuhrer' other than 'Fuhrer' ???
There you go, P-Luv.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Another Sign of My Youth Is Gone...

'Remote Control' Host Ken Ober Passes Away .....

Today, we at SC6 recognize the passing of the host of a show that defined part of my generation. Ken Ober, the host of MTV's 'Remote Control', passed away yesterday at the age of 52. The cause of death is not 100% certain, but it appears to have been a heart attack. Remote Control was the first non-musical program that MTV aired, and it was awesome, unlike the crap they put on there today. It was a trivia show, with small comedy bits in between. Thanks to the show, we got our first glimpses of Kari Wuhrer, Colin Quinn, and some guy named Adam Sandler ......

Sophomore year at East Carolina was spent entirely at my condo watching MTV 24/7 when I wasn't studying (not too often). Aerosmith, Terence Trent D'Arby, Debbie Gibson , Tiffany, Whitesnake and Poison were everywhere - until Most Wanted with Adam Curry came on - then came Remote Control. If were had grades for that show, I would have made Dean's List. Ober also did a tour called MTV Across America, where they visited odd landmarks, and they ended up in Thomasville, North Carolina to visit the famous Thomasville Chair. Dozens of people praying to a 25 foot high chair, like they just saw God... It was awesome.

Yeah, it's another sign that I'm not a kid anymore, and that we all get older and die eventually. Maybe a lot of people don't remember Ken Ober, but I do, and we'll play a clip for you now.....This is the first episode of Remote Control, posted by one of the contestants....


Here's Hoping You Find What You're Looking For..

Only Earl Would Go To Antarctica to Find a Bottle of Whiskey ...
So that wasn't just a myth that I used to read on the back of that bottle of Yukon Jack ! Yes, back in the old days, one of the staples of expeditions - aside from gunpowder, ham hocks and guitar strings - was whiskey. Like the bottle of Pukon Jack reads ...... 'A taste born of hoary nights. Where men fought to keep their fires lit, and their bodies warm.' I can't remember the Lord's Prayer, but I remember some BS scribbled on a Whiskey label 25 years later - bad priorities, man......
Anyway, there is an interesting mission set to happen in Antartica to retieve some bottles of Mackinlay's Scotch Whiskey from the ice under a 100 year old encampment on the frozen continent. Why you ask? Because someone somewhere is thirsty.... No, becuase Mackinlay's is now defunct, and no one has the recipe. The current owners of the Mackinlay brand think if they can get back a few bottles, they can figure out the recie, and reintroduce the legendary brand once again. Sounds like they can mix it with New Coke, and we'll have the Frankenstein version of Jack & Coke's again!
Apparently, there are cases of the stuff under the floorboards of the hut, but they are only allowed to take a few bottles, lest they violate any tribal land provisions. No one said it would be easy... Here's a link to the article:
and here's a little motivational video for the expedition crew......

You Missed Another Chance to Own a Piece of Bernie Madoff This Weekend...

A Mets Jacket ??!! Jeez, He WAS a Loser ......
Never trust a Financial Advisor that roots for the Mets - it's a sure sign that they're accustomed to losing.... Well, the Madoff Liquidation Sale continues. This past weekend, more than $900,000 was raised for the Ponzi Schemer's victims, as more of Bernie Madoff and his wife's chotchkies were auctioned off.
I'm not sure if there is some intrinsic value to his crap, or just that people think it will be worth more someday - another retarded investment strategy - but his stuff is getting way more than anyone expected. That jacket you see above? It was valued at $700, but somehow managed to grab over $14,000 at auction. Crazy. Kind of like the Seinfeld episode, where J. Peterman suppoedly bought JFK's gold clubs for $15,000 - and they actually went for $118,000 ! The difference, of course, is that Kennedy was President, and Madoff is a bum swindler. The guy's not even Jesse James - even James had the courtesy of letting his victims know he was robbing them.
If you were hoping to purchase Madoff's Hofstra University class ring, his Rolex, or his wife's 14 carat earrings, alas - it is too late. But, we're sure there's a safety deposit box somewhere in the Caribbean with plenty more of his junk that you can buy at another time. We'll let you know .........

SC6 Gets a Glimpse of the Post 9/11 World at the DMV Today...

You Need a Passport to Get a State ID Card ?
If you live in New York, the answer is yes. That's what yours truly found out during his adventure this morning at the NYS DMV in Port Jefferson Station. Here's how it all started: I can't deposit my paychecks into my bank account, because my employer does not have direct deposit, and I can't wait the extra week for them to get mailed to SC, then clear. yes, these are the hurdles you have in life when you are broke......
I've been cashing them at the bank, but they want me to get a NY ID card. Fair enough.... So, after having to work last Monday - and almost again today - I went to the DMV office. It was there that I got another taste of how much New York has changed since 9/11. I wasn't surrendering my South Carolina drivers license, so to verify that you are not Al-Qaeda, you have to furnish either a passport or a birth certificate. Luckily, I did bring my passport with me, so I once again have to thank Celia for once again saving my butt. Two and a half years later, and the gift just keeps on giving....
You would think that having a Social Security card, a valid drivers license, and a dozen bills all at the address you're listing would be sufficient, but in this day, age and place, that doesn't cut it. It's understandable. After all, many of the hijackers had drivers licenses - and South Carolina doesn't exactly have the toughest security measures for issuing licenses ...... It's just another case to show how much the place has been changed since September 11th...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

9/11 Thugs Return to the Scene of the Crime..

Don't Give Us Those F**king Puppy Dog Eyes, Khalid .....
The big news up here this week is the US Attorney General's decision to try the 9/11 Conspirators at the US Second District Court in lower Manhattan, or what most South Carolinians call New York City. The location is just blocks from where the World Trade Center towers once stood. It's about time that they were tried, but the question this week has been whether they should be tried in New York, or in Guantanamo. It pretty much seems to have been split on political lines - which is always the worst way to do it. I've tried to look at it from both ways, and here's what I think - not that you care!
I wasn't in New York on September 11th. I watched it on a TV in the lounge at Florence Toyota. So, I can't 100% that I know what people here were feeling that day, but I do know what the new York I left 13 years ago was like, and the difference of New York today. New Yorkers are a tough bunch. We pass car accidents and death like it's nothing very often. I was here during the 1993 attack on WTC, and everyone laughed it off; like Al-Qaeda were a bunch of misfits and kooks. Al-Qaeda got their attention, and people here rarely speak of 9/11.
If the US Justice Dept. is trying to send a message to terrorists that life moves on in America, then trying them in Manhattan would be the right thing to do. The crime occurred here, and it would be a sign of our resiliency. But, at what possible costs and safety is the USDJ inheriting with the move to New York? A lot. Logistically, it is a nightmare. Security will be tight as a drum, and those people who are trying to get back to a normal life will have endless signs of it on a daily basis for months on end as the trial goes on.
But, the real concern is safety of the people of New York. For decades, Al-Qaeda's target has been New York. Why? Not becuase they hate New York, but because it's the easiest target. Foreigners are everywhere.... Think about it. Which would be easier to penetate for a terrorist wanting to disrupt the trial or scare citizens - going to a courthouse smack in the middle of four million people, many of whom look like you, or flying 2000 miles to a military facility on an island that is totally wrapped in barbed wire and has snipers every 50 feet?
All decisions in life are based on risk versus reward. That's why we play Powerball. You lose a dollar, but you might win a couple hundred million - but probably not. This is not Powerball. This is risking good, hardworking people's lives all over again to make a statement to people we don't care about. Someone somewhere will try something during all of this, and my hope is that no one gets hurt, but I doubt it. New Yorkers are a resilient bunch, but they know when their lives are being risked unnecesarily. They don't want this here again......

Beware, Candidates: Campaigning Can Kill ....

A Cautionary Tale About Campaigning Too Hard

For as long as we've been involved in politics, our motto has been "It's Just Politics". By that, we mean, while the issues are serious, the sport of politics - just like any other sport - is not life or death. Many candidates treat it like it is life or death, and to those who do, may we temper that zeal with the story of Keith Romaine.....

Romaine was a Brookhaven Town Councilman, and the son of Suffolk GOP legend Ed Romaine up here in Long Island. From all accounts, he was a good Councilman, and with his pedigree, big things were probably in store for him in the future. Romaine busted his tail 24/7 to win re-election in a tough year for incumbents, but he did earn another term last week. Now the downside.....

As you know, October and November weather in the Northeast kinda sucks. It's cold. It rains. It's windy. It's perfect cold and flu weather. It's not the best place to be out in the cold, knocking on doors or shaking hands in front of the A&P.... Well, Romaine worked so hard to win re-election that he caught pneumonia, and the virus attacked his heart, and he passed away yesterday. He was 36.......

We all know about William Henry Harrison, who in 1841 spent 3 hours giving his Presidential inauguration in the cold and rain, and died 9 days later. Things like this still happen. We all think we're Ten Feet Tall and Bulletproof, but compared to Mother Nature, we are nothing.

I remember the day I spent with Rudy Giuliani, driving him around the Pee Dee on the campaig trail back in 2007. He had five stops in South Carolina that day, and four more in Iowa the next day - and it was six months before the first caucus!! Campaign co-ordinators like to get their guy/lady everywhere if possible, but there need to be limits. I'm sure Rudy cut back after that, and it may have cost him the Presidency, but he's still around and enjoying life, right?

With the 2010 elections in South Carolina just getting into high gear, we'd like to give each of the statewide candidates a tip: Go easy. Enjoy the campaign. Work hard, but don't forget about the other things that are important, and HAVE FUN... After all, It's Just Politics.....


Cartoon of the Week Ends In a Tie ....

This week was tough. There were some very sharp cartoons to choose from, so we had a couple. In most cases, when there is a tie, we pick the most pertinent topic as the winner. This week, there is no doubt that the big issue was the Health Care Bill. However, both are about that topic, so we called it a draw. The first one is above..... Obviously, Nancy Pelosi hasn't realized that she is still the Big Wig of Triple-A, politically speaking, and the Senate is the Big Leagues......
On the other hand, there is a lot of creedence in being more than the Party of No.

What to Get Bobby For Christmas ....

When the Weather Forecast for 5 Miles Away Isn't Close Enough ....
We all have that one friend who is addicted to weather watching. Me, I like to just look up at the sky and see if my knees hurt. That's usually accurate enough for me. Bobby is another animal. He is a weather junkie... He gets those weather alert texts. He drives TOWARDS the hurricanes when they clip the coast. If there's a Tropical Depression in the Caribbean, he'll spend hours following the computer models for possible tracks. He's nuts. But it's not just him - all Disc Jockeys or former DJ's are like that.....
For most of us, the local TV weather forecast is good enough. But, if you need to know what the weather is like at your house - aside from looking out the window - then a Home Weather Station may be the perfect thing for you....
At a cost of $2500-6000, it is not cheap, but guys blow more than that on Jet Skis and motorcycles, right? Apparently, lots of guys use these to track the weather at their vacation homes, and while they are at work. I GUESS it's useful in that way.... But, if being able to tell your wife or girlfriend that the barometric pressure just cracked 30 millibars, so she can go tan away on the back porch is what you're looking for in life, then this is the toy for you!

Friday, November 13, 2009

When Will They Invent the Meowmogram ?

Odd occurance of the day...... I overheard a customer mentioning that her cat had Breast Cancer. I thought she was kidding, but apparently, this actually exists.... Who knew? At least I have a legitimate excuse to feel Mr. Buttons' boobies now...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

If You Were Dying on the Side of the Road ..

A True Story of the Author's Recent Experience in New York.....
Yes, this actually happened to me. I'm driving on Sunrise Highway at 6:30AM Saturday, on my way to work, when suddenly, there are cops blocking the left and center lanes of the road. I pass about ten cop cars and see - nothing. Weird..... Life goes on.
Sunday morning, I'm reading the paper to find out what I had just passed. Apparently, there was an accident on the other side of the highway involving three occupants. The police has stopped them at 3:30AM that morning, and two of the people in the car said that the third person kicked his way out of the back glass and ran from the scene, fearing that, as a recent parolee, he would be arrested at the scene. The cops let them go, and had the car towed....
Well, what actually happened was two of them had been drinking , and got a ride home from the driver. He wrecked, and the third guy flew out of the back glass and either fell into or was dumped into the small area between the two guardrails on the highway and left for dead, which he did. The space between the rails couldn't be more than two feet across. His body was found by another driver three hours later, as I passed it. With friends like that........

Can't Wait Til November? Vote Now In the 'Ten Big Ones' Best Boobs Contest ..

Yes They Are !!!!!

In case you're having withdrawal symptoms from having to wait another 7 months to vote again, we have acure for you - and it's free. WBAB, the local Classic Rock station - which seems to play the same twenty songs, over and over - is having a contest that we think you'd like. It's Roger & JP's Ten Big Ones Contest......

Yep, they're featuring the best set of boobies that the locals have to offer. This week is Round Two, and there are five sets to choose from. I'll let you guess which my favorites were..... Since most of you are Good Americans who value their civic duties, I call upon you once again to go to the website, be a patriot, and choose who you think is the most Hooteriffic Chick !


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

West Virginia: A State Full of Miserable Bastards?

New Survey Rates Mountaineer State as America's Unhappiest ..
And you thought South Carolina had it bad.... Well, you have it easy compared to West Virginia. According to a new rating called the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, West Virginia is the most unhappy state in America. I know you're waiting for it, so I'll tell you - South Carolina finished smack in the middle at 26th. New York was 35th. Utah rated as the happiest state, which once again proves that America should repeal the ban on Poligamy and the Osmond Family..... Here's the link.

Clyburn Has a Democratic Challenger? Holy S**t !

Gregory Brown...... The GOP's Best Friend Right Now ?
I got an interesting friend request today of Facebook. It was from 'Gregory Brown - Sixth District Candidate'. Of course I accepted him, being a curious Vice-Chair. If this is all true, then a Democrat will be helping us do what we in the GOP can't do ourselves - get Jim Clyburn to waste money on an election....
So far, no Republicans have stepped up to the plate to run against The Whipper. That would allow Clyburn to take millions of his campaign dollars that he raises, and become King Shit with the DNCC, where he dumped about $500,000 last cycle. If Brown can drum up any kind of campaign, it could make Clyburn spend that amount of cash on a Primary, rather than in the General Election, or where he gives it away. It's a win-win, becuase it's not the GOP's fault or doing. It's PERFECT !!!!!
Well, if you haven't figured out what my advice is on this, here it is: give all your money to Gregory Brown. If Brown can get $100,000, Clyburn will end up spending easily 5 times that amount. Will it result in a new Congressman for the 6th District? Of course not. But, it could save a few other congressional seats, along with some SC House and Senate seats too. In case you're curious, here is Brown's website....

Why the Term 'Hate Crime' Is a Joke.

Yeah, If It Were Applied Equally, But .........
We like to bring out the absurdities in life here at SC6 a lot. Politically, it's easy. But, sometimes we find things in the justice system that make you just think 'WTF'. This brings us to one of our favorites - the Hate Crime.
Nevermind the redundancy of the term 'Hate Crime' itself. Uh, aren't all assaults or murders committed with a fair amount of hate anyway? I am a white male, and I understand the fact that the entire non-white male world thinks that I was given every advantage in life because of my skin color and the fact that I have a penis. I accept things like Affirmative Action to a degree, but when I hear about events like the one that happened this week, I wondered what the applicability of equal justice under law begins.. P-Luv ????????????????
I read a story about a couple in Wyandanch. I won't down the entire town here, but Flava Flav called The 'Danch home, and the only business around for decades was the KFC on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. I think that describes it well enough. Anyway, this couple orders some food from a Chinese restaurant, and the delivery guy, who is Chinese, was sent around the back of the house, where he was knocked unconscious, thrown into his car, and basically kidnapped until he awoke and jumped out of the car while it was moving.
He got a concussion, but he's okay. The couple was arrested for assault, but my question is this: why weren't they arrested for a Hate Crime? These two knew that the delivery person would be Chinese, and more than likely an easy target. Does this not qualify as a Hate Crime, or is a Hate Crime only applied if the victim is a minority and the offender is white? Seriously, the day we bend the law to be more 'offensive' under special circumstances, we really screw up our theory of equal justice for all. Whether it's a crime against a minority , gays, children or the elderly, I don't understand the 'special circumstances' application to Hate Crimes.
I once had a fellow Student Senator say to us "I can't be racist, I'm black" , about 30 seconds after calling us racist. Yes, it WAS the stupidest thing I ever heard anyone utter, but it sounds on par with not applying hate crimes to minorities as well. Justice is blind, but it doesn't seem colorblind. I'm not trying to make too much of a stink about this, but it is pretty messed up. I'm off of my soapbox now.....

What Does Your Traffic Babe Look Like ?

Elisa Makes That Wreck on the LIE Oh So Enjoyable .....

What's nice about living in a major metropolitan area again? The Traffic Babe. Yes, that cutie girl who lets you know if your commute to work will be smooth, or if it will be a living nightmare. And none of them are sexier than News 12 Long Guyland's Elisa DeStefano !!!!
Elisa is so cute, it's sickening. Since I'm the only one in the house up at 530 AM, it's like Elisa is sitting there at breakfast with me, letting me know how my ride to work is going to be, while giving me that little wink as she tells me that there's a six car pileup on the Northern State Parkway, stopping traffic in both directions. 'That's Nice, Honey...............' But, she has superpowers as well. Just yesterday, she cleared up Nicolls Rd right before I had to drive through there. 'Thanks, Honey.........'
Apparently, she also does local celebrity Red Carpet stuff too. If you'd like to see more of Elisa, you can check out her Facebook page, on Twitter, or visit her webpage as well.....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Aerosmith's Got My Conspiracy Theory Button Going Berserk Again ....

Methinks The Public Is Getting Scammed Again ......

Pick on me all you want, but my BS Radar is sharp as a knife. Time and time again, we've smelled through the hooey, and this week, it's going off like a four alarm fire..... Reportedly, Steven Tyler has quit Aerosmith. That's like me saying I'm gonna quit eating Mayfield Moose Tracks Ice Cream - it's impossible.

We told you a few months back that Tyler broke some of his 61-year old bones when he fell of a stage. Well, the rest of the band hasn't heard from him since - so they say. I think it's bullshit. Here's my guess: The tour wasn't doing so great. Aerosmith hasn't really been a force in rock for at least 12 years now. Then the accident..... Worse yet, no one gave a damn.

What's more feasible? That Tyler decided it was time to re-evaluate and take up painting or tai chi? Or that they drummed up some good PR by saying that they were breaking up? The nice thing with this is they can't lose. They're stalled as it is, so it wouldn't get any worse. It's paid off already. Aerosmith was all over the radio today - SUCKERS !!!! Now, they take a year off, Tyler comes back , and the Great Reunion Tour begins ..... Oliver Stone would be proud!


Happy Veterans Day ....

It's Veterans Day. The nice thing about Veterans Day is that we remember and thank those who sacrificed and are still here. Too often we thank those in the military when they are no longer here to know we appreciate them. With this week's tragedy at Fort Hood, I think it would be extra special if we thanked those close to us who serve or served. For me, that would be my Dad, all my uncles and my Cousin Christopher in the 82nd Airborne, as he prepares for another likely trip to the Middle East.
Leave your well wishes and thanks in the comments. If not, if you see a vet today, tell him/her thanks - or else!

Smoking Ban Almost Passes in Flotown .....

Whoa, Whoa, WHOA !!!!!!!!!! Cigarettes - No Smoking Cigarettes ..

The great debate of our time - banning smoking in restaurants and other public areas - came to a head this week in Florence, as the Florence City Council voted down a ban on it by a 4-3 vote. Smoking really is one of those hair-splitting issues. Personally, I have never smoked cigarettes - HA, thought you had me in a lie there, didn't you! - but I know a lot of smokers. I basically do have one problem with not allowing a co-worker to smoke. Depriving a person of their nicotine addiction turns them into total raving a-holes! It's true, and I've seen it with my own eyes......

Seriously, I have to spend 10 hours a day with this nutjob, and you're gonna take away the only thing that keeps me from killing him/her? I think i might rather deal with the second hand smoke than a Jones that makes a crackhead look serene.... Sure, i'd like to live in a smokefree world, and not have my clothes stink like an ashtray after a night out, but this is America.... I'm not allowed to have it all anyway, because someone will take it or tax me for it, right?

My friend Phil's mom had a bumper sticker on her car a few years back. It read "I Smoke - I'm Not a Second Class Citizen", or something to that effect. Maybe they are, maybe not. I guess I'm saying I don't really care if Florence has a smoking ban or not - I'll adjust anyway. I worry more about our freedoms to do legal things than whether or not my clothes stink. Speaking of legal - or not........
