We caught wind of the scandal involving Johnsonville City Councilman and Mayoral candidate Brad Richardson, and we must admit, we are outraged..... Everyone exagerrates what they have accomplished to a small degree, (remember when I referred to myself as 'King of SC Blogging and Stud Deluxe'?) - but to try to pass yourself as Benjamin Franklin? GEEZ !!!!!! I mean, the age differnce alone doesn't pass muster, unless you add a zero to Richardson's 30.....
Yes, we're kidding. Seriously though, while we don't support Brad's pumping up his education a bit, in the whole scheme of things , it's small potatoes. If Brad were running for Mayor of Florence, we might take this into consideration more..Not to belittle the place, but this is Johnsonville, where a college degree is not a prerequisite for being anything - and that's not a bad thing at all...
No, you don't need to engrandize your resume for Mayor when you've already served two terms on council. What education does Ed Robinson have? Who knows, but he gets re-elected every four years, and he's almost certifiable nuts.... I'd take a Mayor who's compass is on straight with regards to spending, than a professional student who thinks spending is the cure, and Brad has shown that ability so far.
More importantly, in a small town like J'ville, it's a good heart that matters. I cosnider Brad to be a good friend, despite us not having mutual allies in Flotown. He's available for his constituents, and I think the anecdote I submit now gives creedence to his heart. Last year, I attended a County Party meeting that was closed into Executive Committee, where Brad was attacked on a personal matter that 1) was untrue, and 2) was based on an anonymous blog comment and 3) should NEVER have been brought up in a meeting. Brad not only cleared up the matter, but he now seemingly works hand-in-hand with the same people who brought it up. If it were me, I'd never speak to these people again, but Brad Richardson is a better person than I am....
No, Brad is not the most educated person in South Carolina. There are times when I wish Facebook has Spell Check for his posts and comments, but like we said, Johnsonville doesn't need a good speller - they need an honest and dependable guy who works hard, and can say no when needed. Besides, Brad's not the only Mayor who's gone astray of the law.... Too bad we misplaced that composite sketch that was a dead ringer for Mayor Hickory Head. We still don't know what they wanted him for....
Glass houses, there but for the grace of God go some of my crappy mistakes. I don't know Brad, but you and others I do know speak highly of him. It was a dumb and stupid mistake, that he has to own. If it costs him in this election cycle, so be it. That will be the price. We all make stupid mistakes, those who throw their hat in the public eye via politics simply have to own their mistakes publicly. Reason #37 why you'll never see my ass run for jack.
It's just sad that all this could have been avoided if Mr. Richardson had only been a Notre Dame football fan.
Brad is a damn good guy
Mike--totally agree with you. But the level of attacks on Brad on SCNow were past ridiculous. There was one jackass on there who claimed he was the vice chairman of the mingo swamp young republicans and proceeded to attack Brad and anyone who came to his defense.
There is no defense for Brad's exageration of his college degrees, but he did the right thing and own up to it. Was it a blockhead statement? Yes. Is he the first to overstate his college background? No.
My mother was from Johnsonville, and I still have family there. J'ville needs a mayor that wants to reach out to the towns people and work to make their lives better, not just for them but for their kids and their kid's future. A mayor who will go out and try to recruit business to come to J'ville. A mayor who remembers that it's not just his tax money but the whole town's and he needs to be prudent with how and on what it is spent. Brad Richardson is by far, the more qualified of the two candidates running for mayor. The people of Johnsonville, would be well served to elect Brad Richardson as their next mayor...Tom Grimes, Chairman 6th Congressional District Republican Party.
Johnsonville could do a lot worse then Brad Richardson. I know Brad. I also know that he'll work hard for his people there.
So he lied about something. That makes him a real politician now.
Does it mean that he can't do the job? Nope. Just that he'll watch what he says from now on.
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