Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So, Was It a Standard Or Atomic Wedgie ?

YOWWEEEE !!!! That's Gotta Hurt .

Yvonne Morris may live in the land of the peaceloving Mormons, but don't mess with her. The Salt Lake City resident is a real badass!! Ask the guy she recently apprehended by herself.

Morris , a technician at Brickyard Animal Hospital, went out to the employee parking lot, when she noticed someone breaking into a co-worker's car. She went after him, and twice he was able to break away. But not the third time....

What worked on try number three? She reached out, and she happened to grab him by his boxer shorts - and if you got 'em by the drawers, YOU PULL !!!! Yep, the wedgie pretty much was able to disable him enough that she then put him a headlock , and keep him at bay for good until the cops got there.. The man is now booked on charges of vehicle burglary, possession of stolen property, and other outstanding warrants.

FEAR the POWER of the WEDGIE !!!!



Anonymous said...

If you dress wif' yo draws hanging out, don't do the crime if you can't take the wedgie.

Anonymous said...

they are going to outlaw them drawers in manning

Anonymous said...

moye, some are too stupid to understand that wearing their jeans that low means that the wearer is someone's b!tch in the pen...

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Moye, I would advise against that. We don't want everyone Freestylin' in Manning if they outlaw underwear.