Thursday, April 20, 2006

The First Milton Waddams Award Goes to the Citizens of Lake City!!!

I wasn't sure who would win the very first Milton, but these things tend to take care of themselves I guess. in true Milton Waddams fashion, the voters of Lake City, SC have spent the past 2 years getting screwed and embarrassed by literally every public official in the area. This was capped off by the Mayor being arrested this week for knowingly passing counterfeit money.

In a nutshell, Lake City decided awhile back that they didn't need Florence County, and they incorporated themselves - and every division of local government has shown themselves to be crooked, ineffective or plain stupid. This is nothing new for the city without a lake - after all, they have been led by the Smith Clan, who have spent the past decade trying to ruin the County. But let's refocus on the city....

In the past two years Lake City has:

1. Contaminated the general election votes in 2004 when an election employee mixed in the disputed votes with the rest of the votes - oops!! The city Election Commission has since been taken over by the County.

2. Numerous Policemen have been arrested for drug possession and protecting drug dealers in the town.

3. They have had the police chief replaced a couple times.

4. The mayor was replaced, and now the new mayor has been arrested.

5. The schools in the area are subpar compared to other areas of the county.

The best part is for all this, Lake City residents pay the highest sales tax in the county - 11% if you go to McDonald's. Obviously, these poor people are not getting their moneysworth. Once the mayor is formally indicted, Gov. Sanford will be able to replace him. In my opinion, it couldn't happen fast enough. Or perhaps we could take Milton's advice, and " I Could Burn the Building Down"................. Have a great weekend, and GET BACK TO THOSE TPS REPORTS......


earlcapps said...

Geez, what a town.

____________ said...

Good ole Lake City, one of my best friends, old college roomate is from there and moved back there. He said the funny thing is, there aren't any lakes in Lake City!

Anonymous said...

Lake City was named back when there was a local fishing hole there...hence the name, Lake City. The things you learn in Geography of SC in college that stick with you!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lake City could seceed and join Williamsburg county. Hemingway wants to go to Florence maybe they can swap

Thoroughbred 401k said...

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