Loisann Wieber-Gallagher 1969-2010
I almost don't know how to begin this post, except to say that this is one of the sadder days in my life. For those of you who read the blog regularly, I made a vague reference to a sick friend, along with Moye Graham's mom, a few weeks back. My friend was Lois Wieber, or as everyone called her, Lo-Lo. Moye's mom seems to be recovering nicely, but things were much worse for Lois, who passed away this morning from Breast Cancer. She was only 40.
Yes, I've lost loved ones before, and some of them were very young, but most of them were in accidents, doing things they loved, or were sick for so long that death seemed almost welcome. This picture of us was from no more than four months ago. In that short a time, she developed a tumor so aggressive, it was the size of a grapefruit just a couple weeks ago. The idea of someone passing away so fast and so young seems incomprehensible right now. None of us were prepared for this, or believed the diagnosis of her only having weeks left, but they were correct. Right now, I'm waiting for Lo-Lo to call me, tell me this was a big joke, and ask where we're going out this weekend...
Enough about her illness. I'd much rather give you an idea of who Lois was. Lo-Lo was your typical Brentwood, Long Island girl - tough, foul mouthed at times, frisky, funloving, but deep down, she would do anything for you. Lois was one of the biggest fans of my band in the 90's, and I used to dedicate Pearl Jam's 'Black' to her everytime. Most of all, she was a HUGE sports fan. Not just the type that looked good in a jersey - she knew more about the teams and players than you did. Want to start an argument with her? Just say how much the Dolphins , Mets or Rangers sucked.... Here's p

This pic may exemplify Lois where words fail....
My neighborhood was very tight-knit..... everyone knew everyone, or at least knew their brother or sister. Lo-Lo was a year younger than me, and she lived about 4-5 blocks away. It was actually after school that we really became friends. When I had a keg party at my house with my beach friends who weren't from in town, she was the only girl from the neighborhood to show up. If she saw there was a party, she was coming - it didn't matter if she knew anyone, she MADE friends. Right before I moved to South Carolina, Lois was one of the best friends I had, and honestly, she was probably the one that got away. The time when we both were single never came around, and she was the lucky one for it! I've thought a lot the past few weeks how hard this must be for her husband, Shawn. I can't imagine it, and all of us are praying for him to be strong...
Lois' loss has made a huge impression in our circle of friends. She was one of the most popular people around - the Alpha Female among a pack of Alpha Females. It's shown all of us that we're getting older, and that we're all human. All the women made appointments with the OB/GYN's, and even the guys are having checkups. Perhaps that is the most important point I can make here today. Women, have your breasts checked, and don't wait if there's a lump. Guys, don't be tough and say you'll 'tough it out' - go see a doctor.
As for me, this experience has made me realize how unimportant politics is, and how much time I've wasted playing the game. I've taken a lot of petty crap from people that I really don't care about. My time of blogging may be nearing it's end, and the time to find happiness and fun in real life may be here again. None of us knows when our time will come, and this year has opened my eyes to it. Smile. Have Fun. Enjoy Life, and tell the people you love that you love them - don't wait.

My girls, Lois and Carol... God Bless you, Lo-Lo. We're going to miss your smile, your ability to make fun anywhere, and most of all, your love. Save a seat for us.....
Condolences, Reino. Any lady who loves the Dolphins is A+ in my book.
sorry for your loss Mike.
Mike-I am sure I can say this for all of us who read your blog regularly, please accept our condolences and our prayers...teg
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