Monday, October 29, 2007

The Phantom Buzz....... The Cell Phone Vibration That Isn't.

A recent study that there is a mysterious phenomenon invloving vibrating cellphones. It seems that a certain percentage of us think our phones are buzzing, and they really aren't. Doctors equate the problem with amputees having "phantom pains" from a lost limb.
What is the cause? Doctors don't know exactly, but some think that it's in our heads - that we are expecting a call, therefore, we feel a buzz that we are hoping for that call. Medical Mumbo Jumbo? Could be. Just thought it was interesting.........


earlcapps said...

it's just the voices in your head.

Anonymous said...

serious it feels come to vibrate in your right front pocket

Anonymous said...

Mike, is there a reason you picked a pink Motorola that vibrates?

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Aubrey, i'm still laughing.... Feel free to comment anytime!

In truth , It was the only colored phone when I googled 'cellphone'.

Anonymous said...

mike did you change my good to come

Anonymous said...

I saw somethings about this on the news the other day. Seriously This was driving me nuts for a while. Glad to know I'm not alone with this.