Monday, October 22, 2007

Take Me Off of the List, I Finally Have a Job..

Hey, it had to end sometime. I now officially have a job, and I may have a second one by the end of the week. For now, I will be working for National Auto Club as a Sales Rep. I have a game plan ready to put to work, so that I don't have to ask any of you guys to sign up. If everything works out, I'll be making fulltime money part time - everyone's dream come true.
Later in the week, I should have an interview with First Reliance Bank for a Credit Analyst position. If this all plays out as planned, I'll be blowing away the money I made at Newsome. I know some of you accused me of being a bit lazy in my job search, but taking the wrong job is just as bad as not working, and I did that for 15 years. From now on, I am only making smart decisions about my career. I still plan on doing dumb things socially!!


Anonymous said...

but what about the gig at wyboo man

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Tell the ladies I'm sorry, but I'll have to pass for now.