Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Maybe the Dems White Guys Are Better Than Our White Guys. Meet the New Congress !!

Senator Blutarsky Takes the New Members On a Tour of the Capitol.

It appears that all 535 of the Congressional and Senatorial races have finally been resolved, with maybe one or two exceptions. Getting to knwo who these new people are is a pretty darn near impossible task, right? WRONG !!!

Thanks to yor supersmart buddies here at SC6 - and uh,, we have a link that tells you all about the new incoming members of the Senate and House of Representatives. I took a quick peek at it, and I noticed one thing: for all the talk of change, it seems that the Old White Guys of the Republican Party have been replaced by, um...... Old White Guys of the Democratic Party. There was only one African-American, the lady who replaced the late Stephanie Jones-Tubbs, so aside from Barack Obama, there were no gains for blacks....

There are two female Senators coming in, but Hillary Clinton is leaving, so there was also only one gain for women there as well. Looks like the White Guys still rule DC, which means another two to six years of crappy basketball at the Capitol Gym... The worst news of all? I've checked them out, and there are no additions to the Hotties of the Hill list... Maybe 2010 will get here fast.



Anonymous said...

so whats happening in the senate race still up for grabs

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Chambliss beat Jim Martin, so we have at least 41. God knows what is up in Minnesota...