One last post before I go out to dinner tonight... BTW, Happy Birthday, Ben and Chris !! Now onto business.. I have a usual rotation of 7 or 8 CD's that I usually listen to on the ten minute drive to and back from work. One of them is Faith No More's Greatest Hits. I love Faith No More - always have. They get a bad rap as a Red Hot Chili Pepers clone, and that thye're dated to the 80's. I beg to differ.....
FNM -as we in the know refer to them as - we perhaps one of the most diverse groups ever to come out. They could rock, rap, jazz, disco or folk with the best of them. And they even were as prescient as Nostradamus. Don't believe me? Take a listen...
Here's the MTV clip of their first hit, 'We Care a Lot'. Of course, this is when Roddy Bottum was singing, soon before Mike Patton replaced him. Then the band really took off. They're a hell of a lot more than the band you saw in 'Epic' - although that song is great too. While 'We Care a Lot' is often described as a song about life in the 80's - it refers to Live Aid, Garbage Pail Kids and California falling into the Pacific - but some things eventually come back around again. Among the topics are America at War - odd considering all we had in the 80's was Grenada - Guns, and the Transformers. It was the toy back then, but look what happened 20 years later !!
It just shows that eventually, all things come back around. That should give the GOP soemthing to look forward too. Here's the clip. It's classic 80's cheesy video, made in someone's living room but it's still fun.
Don't like that one? Try this:
or this:
or this:
soooooo...whats with the hand with the eye in it in some of those videos???
I looked it up, and it apears to be the antidote for my favorite whammy, the Malocchio.
It's a Native American symbol to combat the Evil Eye. At least that's what it says...
Roddy Bottum? Erm, Chuck Mosely? Anyways, FNM simply kick Kiedis out of the window, too bad peple still think of them as copycats of Peppers, music industry would be really blessed if Peppers were more like FNM. Anyways, good vids.
Damn, I screwed up! It is Chuck Mosely. I swore I read that Roddy was the vocalist in the liner notes - don't read and drive at the same time. Also, in 'Introduce Yourself' Chuck isn't mentioned, although fitting 5 guys in 4 stops is tough... Thanks for the correction.
Sorry for acting kinda miss whise-ass, it's just that I'm really sensitive when it comes to Patton stuff. Never trust those darn booklets, wikipedia ftw :P
I re-checked and as usual, the mistake was all mine. The liner notes by Steffan Chirazi were correct, I just got it wrong.
No problem at all - we always welcome fact checking here. Mike Patton gets a lot of BS for the band breaking up, but they all had their problems, and he is one talented guy. If there were one band I could model mine after, it would be FNM..
Well, don't actually care whose fault it was, breaking FNM up at this point of their career was the smartest thing to do, Album of the Year is a brilliant album if you're asking me, but most of the fans think it's their weakest, wouldn't want them to release an even weaker one. Songs like Stripsearch, Collision, Ashes to Ashes and Paths of Glory are some of the main reasons I worship FNM.
There have been some rumors the last couple of weeks, saying that major venues all over America and Europe are getting ready for a FNM comeback, I hope it's all BS. Dunno what the results of such a reunion would be.
Never having seen them, I'd like to see them. Stone Temple Pilots had a similar type problem, and they took a break, but came back this year, and my brother said they were unbelievable in Charlotte . Sometimes the time apart makes you appreciate each other a bit more - unless you were in a band with Axl Rose...
Well, I've never seen them either, and I would DEFINITELY travel to one of their gigs in Europe (cause they'd never come to Greece :P) but you know, I think most of these reunions don't have a happy ending. And Patton is doing all that different stuff now, dunno if it would be possible, or what a new album (?!) would sound like.
Anyways, gawd bless these people, they totally changed my music life.
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