Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Out of My Element? I Watch Wrestling Live...

Triple H Lays the Smackdown at the Florence Civic Center...

I've had previous signs that the world is coming to an end. There is a new one - I have witnessed championship wrestling live.... The end is near, folks ! Yes, Mr. Straightlace Republican sat with the good ole boy rednecks and watched Wrasslin'....

Of course, i didn't pay for tickets - I'm kind of a big deal, so these things just fall into my lap. Actually, I was over Bobby's watching the Alabama-Florida game, and Ed Palmer had two extra tickets. Although I wanted to watch the rest of the game, I couldn't resist... Off to the Civic Center we went..

Honestly, if you've never gone, you really should do it at least once - it was freakin' hilarious!! We had second row seats on the second floor level, so we might have been 50 feet from the ring - far enough to not get spit on, but close enough to tell absoultely that wrestling is, uh, choreographed... Don't tell the guys that. They're still about 300 pounds apiece - that part is real. The Great Khali is HUGE .... Here's some pics from the matches:

The Undertaker grabs Edge by the throat... He's actually a really nice guy.

Hornswoggle and his teammate celebrate with his sheleighly - the world's smallest sheleighly!!

I told you Khali was big.....

Yeah, it was a different experience. Not a lot has changed in wrestling since I was in high school - there are Good Guys, Bad Guys, the drama is still the same, and in the end, the good guys always win.


Anonymous said...

wow...still no comments on the wrestling...dammit, i'm crackin' skulls.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Shit, no comments on anything... Everyone is on vacation, or I've lost my touch.