Thursday, October 11, 2007

I Start My Own Group... Ukrainians for Rudy.

No, I'm not Ukrainian, but why let that stop me........ Hey, at least I've been there, and I do have a bumper sticker. That reminds me - anyone have a wad of cash so I can open a Tourist Shop in Odessa. Fifteen million tourists a year, and not one store to buy keychains, mugs t-shirts and other crap. The enterprising spirit still lacks from our friends behind the Old Iron Curtain....
I double checked on Google, and there are is no official group of Ukrainians for Rudy Giuliani, so i'll start it here. Granted it would probably go over better in Chicago, since that's where they all live, but I guess they'll have to come to me.


earlcapps said...

... and i'm on their beer team!

Thoroughbred 401k said...

BURP!! Hey Homer, how 'bout another Baltica ??!!

Anonymous said...

I may have me a beer tonight first one this year if I do

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Beer tastes much better if you don't drink it so often.

Anonymous said...

is that true about oral sex also we talking hetersexual

Thoroughbred 401k said...

I'll let you know - if it ever happens again!!