Monday, August 04, 2008

John McCain Ticks Off Paris Hilton's Momma..

By now, we've all heard the commercial put out by the McCain campaign that labels Barack Obama a celebrity on the order of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton... Well, soon afterwards, word has come out that the ad may have backfired a bit. You see, Paris' Mom and Dad are donors to the McCain campaign - and now Mrs. Hilton is pissed off....

McCain's team said the ad was there to inject a sense of humor into the campaign, but Kathy Hilton wasn't amused at all..... "It is a complete waste of the country's time and attention at the very moment when millions of people are losing their homes and their jobs," she said in a short article posted on the liberal Huffington Post Web site. "And it is a completely frivolous way to choose the next president of the United States."

Granted, it's a bit hypocritical for Mrs. Hilton to try and inject the housing crisis into the spat - I'm sure she's not one of the people worried about losing her house - but I would agree that equating a presidential campaign with Paris and Britney is off kilter. Now, I never met Britney, but Paris Hilton was an unpaid correspondent on the Presidential race last year, and she was fantastic ..... She even brought sushi and Vitamin Water for everyone. Her dog, however......

They may not say it right now, but my guess is that someone from the McCain ad team will be getting canned soon. No problem - he can out at my house, and we'll watch TV together, and discuss the errors of our ways.... I have cable, there'll be plenty to watch.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One suspects that Hilton Inc has funded coffers of more than one candidate. My issue for hypocrisy with Ma Hilton is just what does Paris' behavior reflect of Mama's bringing her up? Is mommy proud of Hardees/Carls Jr commercials that have drawn howls of protest from AFA, just as a corporate McDonalds, absent Ray and Joan Kroc, has led AFA to protest their sponsorship of the National Gay Chamber of Commerce?