Saturday, May 23, 2009

Letting Other People Do The Work For You, Part I

Ahhh.. But What If The Kitten Is On the Other End of the Weapon ??

Hope your Memorial Day weekend is going well so far. I ended up having today off at the last minute, so as usual, I caught up on some yardwork before the drizzle came. Thank you, God, for waiting until i finished to let it rain - twice.

I wasn't planning to blog today. I'm still a little sick, although I finally got some sleep last night. Whatever this cough is, it just won't go away yet. Luckily, I had a couple video clips sent to me today, and they're just too good to pass up. Here is the first one. It's a clip Bo McDonald made, called 'Whack a Kitty'. You can guess the rest.... He did note on his Facebook page that 'no kittens were harmed in the making of this video' - and it's pretty obvious.... Enjoy!



down on Graham Slough MG said...

is this the same cat

Thoroughbred 401k said...

No, but it sure looks like the same kitten, doesn't it. I'll have to ask Bo.