Sunday, November 30, 2008

Where Did All My Money Go? The Top Ten Retail Ripoffs Out There...

Thanks to That $6 Popcorn, He's Out of Cash For Condoms....

Yeah, it's real easy to blow money, and have almost no idea where it went to. Often it's those little things that add up over time. While we could make lifestyle suggestions to help, like quit smoking and save $90 a month, we'll pass on those, and just help on the little things that maybe you don't think of.

Here's a web page that gives you some ideas from the retail side of life that you might not know about when you shop. Granted, some of the ideas are super cheap - anyone who brings their own wine, and ask the waiter to uncork it for them should be flogged in public. But there are some other ideas that might assist you in saving a couple of bucks for those important things - like pizza. Thanks, Bobby.



Anonymous said...

so he blew his money and now can only be blown.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Bob, I think you might have went over the line of good taste on that one..

Anonymous said...

Scary is the idea that while the "technicians" won't be outsourced is it possible that a pharmacist could be?

Could we see outsourcing of personal injury lawyers? If so could SC 6 outsource Jimbo (or is DC resident Jimbo already the outsourcing)?

Anonymous said...

Bobby, maybe it is popcorn suprise... look, no hands mom!

Anonymous said...

its man eating popcorn

Anonymous said...

it is ok to do nothing together once in awhile too.