Sunday, February 20, 2011

SC6 New Music Pick: Edie Brickell, 'Pill'

     Yes, everyone's favorite Hippie Chick from the 80's is back.  In fact, Mrs. Paul Simon never went away.  People think of Texas native Edie Brickell as a one hit wonder, but she's consistently put out material every few years.  Well, she's back again!

    'Pill' is about exactly what the title implies - America's fascination with prescription meds for anything and everything.  Now, while we frequently tout the merits of our 'Happy Chips' , we agree that America is seriously overmedicated, and it does cost us all in the end - that is our Sopabox Statement for now.  As far as the song, it's as peppy as a bottle of Amphetamines, and the video is entertaining too.  Hope you enjoy it.....


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