Thursday, April 20, 2006

Note to Petit Thieves: If You Want to Stay off TV, Don't Break Into a News Anchor's Car..........

File this under the Bad Luck file... It seems that a number of parents have had their cars broken into while watching their kids play ball at Maple Park in Florence - which happens to be my District. Among the victims is no other than Channel 13 News anchor Nicole Boone. While events like this normally wouldn't merit a story on the local news, when the anchor gets robbed , it makes the 600PM news.

It gets better.... Most of you know that Nicole is married to none other than Florence County Sheriff Kenney Boone. I doubt that this poor dummy had no idea whose car he broke into, but he just stepped in a huge pile of doo-doo. My advice to the thief is to turn yourself in, before 18 Steroided Deputies put the smackdown on you.

It just shows that there are more balls off the field than on at Maple Park.

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