Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Bai Yun is Pregnant.......... Ron Burgundy Begins Panda Watch 2007 !!
Yesiree Bob, Bai Yun, a 13 year old panda at the San Diego Zoo (which is German for a Whale's Vagina Zoo), is officially pregnant with twins. Police are on the scene , interrogating other pandas at the zoo. After the investigation, they are expected to arrest the offending panda with statutory rape.
I expect this to go the route like Anna Nicole Smith - where everyone lines up, claiming to be the daddy - including Bobby. Stay Classy, South Carolina !!!!


Anonymous said...

What tha

Anonymous said...

Panda or pander watch... there are too many pander bears these days pandering for votes (with no apologies to a long past Dems bid for quips modified to fit).

Anonymous said...

Stay classy? This is SC 6, right? One of those does bear a resemblence to Jim "the pander" Clyburn.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Hey now, i think we run a pretty professional operation here at SC6. Topics are deciphered and discussed in an intelligent manner, and all........... aw, who am I kidding!