Monday, April 02, 2007

Is THIS Our Next President? Neal Thigpen Thinks It Could Be...

Yes, the Tide of Terror That Is Republicanism !!

Ah, the pundit! That so-called expert that will try to improve their own standing by saying anything contraversial...... uh, like me. I just got to read Comrade Bandy's weekly version of 'The Sky Is Falling" in Sunday's Pravda on the Congaree.

We Republicans are unhappy. We're unmotivated. We're stunned and afraid like a duck hit on the head. Whatever. But we are still a majority of sheep, and we'll vote for anyone, as long as he's a Republican. As Pee Dee political sage Neal Thigpen stated, "They'll elect an axe murderer in South Carolina ". They also said he heard a lot of talk about Fred Thompson at the Florence County Precinct meeting last month. Uh, I sat NEXT to Mr. Thigpen, and I heard nothing. It wasn't too hard - there were only about 15 of us at the meeting. Okay, maybe we ARE unmotivated......

So, in my usual vein of sarcasm, I introduce to you our next candidate - Jack Torrance. Here's his platform.......

Republican Values

Economic Progress


Respect for Life

Undying Love of Country

Made in America Counts..

I can't hex Jack Torrance - he's already dead...

See ?????


Anonymous said...

do you know Jack? because i don't know Jack.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

All i know about Jack is that all work and no play makes him a dull boy...
all work and no play makes him a dull boy...
all work and no play makes him a dull boy...

Anonymous said...

Snake Plissken would make a fine running mate...

Anonymous said...

I don't know Jackshi-.