Saturday, February 09, 2008

Good Grief, Charlie Brown ! Amsterdam Working to Clean Up the Red Light District !! What's Next ??

With No Hookers, the Only Reason to go to Amsterdam is to Smoke Pot...

First, they close down the Bo Bo Spa in Marion - now this !! It seems that city officials in perhaps the sleaziest city in Europe are getting tired of their city's bad reputation. It looks like like Amsterdam is starting to close down their famous prostitutes in the windows. Here is the AP link:

If you can't pick a hooker up from behind a neon glass window anymore, there just isn't a reason to go there. This clearly is a sign of the Apocalypse. What we need here is a Hero.. SC6 has him.........


Now the world is safe...


Anonymous said...

seen this earlier seems like it has been going on since around 1400 or before

Thoroughbred 401k said...

At least. those guys have an uphill climb on this one.

Anonymous said...

moye, at least it isn't from 0800 to 0030...

Opening at 1400, it is their blue laws?

Anonymous said...

dammit...i was gonna move there someday if i end up divorced again. might as well get high and get laid!

Thoroughbred 401k said...

C'mon guys... jean Claude van Hamsterdam !!! OK, maybe it's not that good.

Anonymous said...

no the year 1400

Anonymous said...

moye I knew that, thoughthe old Gunny's story about not getting some strange since 1957 commends the time joke.

Mike, I feel your pain, without hookers, they don't have the rest of the truck stop either, so a cup of 30 weight and new mud flaps will have to wait for Brussels or Liege.

earlcapps said...

mike - you steal the groundhog from my Stupor Tuesday posting?

Thoroughbred 401k said...

I'll be damned.. I Googled it, and the one I wanted wouldn't download, so I took that one instead. I thought it looked familiar. sorry !

Anonymous said...

The groundhog is more butch than Colbert... but so is Hillary.