Friday, June 06, 2008

Utter Disgust.

Yeah, That About Sums It Up......
It's the return of the Finger Tree - the first photo ever used on SC6 - and for good reason. We all know about the homeless issue earlier this week. Well, it got even better this week...
No, i'm not homeless - at least not yet. But I may be jobless, and the for the most retarded of reasons. Not for lack of performance. In fact, I'm doing better than I ever have before. I might lose my job because I won't have a place to live in Hilton Head.
My brother got everything straightened out with his landlord - more correctly, he changed the locks back. However, the lease between the two of them will be over, and with that, he's going to find a new place. Instead of finding a place on his own, he's going to move in with a co-worker, and that leaves me out in the cold. Uh.......
So, it appears that I might be coming back to Florence at month's end, but possibly without a job. This is nothing new... It seems to me that I have never had any control over my own life, and hence, I wander aimlessly through it. It's time to correct this.
Either I'm coming home, or I'm selling out of Florence and going to Hilton Head - but that is an almost impossible possibility. Once I get this mess straight, life is going to change. I'm going to go out and get what I want from life. I'm going to do what I want, with whomever I want. All I want in life is to do my job and be appreciated for it, to have a nice little place to live, and the love of a good woman. I thought I was closing in on all this, but I lost focus on some of it.
I'm not 100% sure what the hell I'm trying to say here. Basically, I fucked up by depending on my family again, and i should know better. Cats take care of each other better than my family does.. No problem, I've fixed worse, and I'll fix this ....


Anonymous said...

move to costa rica

Anonymous said...

Oh mike. I am compassionate for your situation. Don't worry this will pass.