A.B. ?? Who the heck is A.B. you ask? Well I'm talking about Arthur B. Culvahouse. Now you know who i'm talking about, Willis ? Of course not. Let me enlighten you - then you can tell me you don't give a crap....
Arthur Culvahouse is the man in charge of John McCain's VP selection. While Barack Obama is busy finding high profile names like JFK's daughter ( sorry, but is she REALLY qualified?), McCain has an experienced and QUIET guy at the helm.
Rather than go through his whole resume, here's a link to TheHill.com, which tells you all about A.B.
Well, DC was unavailable to run the VP search... he's chairing the Senate.
he needs the best possible pick
Condi and Colin won't touch it, though I'd dearly love to see Alan Keyes in that attack dog spot... strategically it could undercut the positioning to call anyone that disagrees with the BHO policies (kept in the closet) a racist.
I Love speculating about the VP, I found a site that has alot of info on all the veep candidates with videos and petitions you can sign for or against potential vp candidates, I signed a petition to ask McCain not to pick Romney, and I signed one asking McCain to pick Huckabee. Sweet site. Its http://www.TheVeep.com
Thanks, pastormike (Huckabee?). Say hello to Jesus for me....
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