Sunday, April 27, 2008

Why Hillary Clinton Is Bad For New York...

Curse of the Bambino? How About the Curse of Hillary Clinton ??
For those of you who have read this blog for awhile, you know I am a lifelong New York Yankees fan - the same back at you, buddy!! Anyway, being a fan, I have been very fortunate over my lifetime as far as my team's success goes. However, it has been 8 years now since the Yankees took home a championship. In Derek Jeter terms, that's like 150 years.....
To be honest, I don't think this will be the season the streak ends. They just don't have the pitching. Knowing that, I thought about how things got here - what happened to change things. The Yanks had won 4 of the last 5 titles, and suddenly, something happened in November 2000..... Hillary Clinton was elected Senator of New York.
Hey, if the Red Sox can blame 86 years of futility on trading Babe Ruth to pay for a stupid play, then I can blame this drought on the voters of New York electing a woman who never lived a day of her life in their state. That being the case, there is only one thing we Americans can do to end this - Hillary Clinton must be elcted President. It's the only thing I can think of to fix this.
It's no surprise that out country is in a state flux when such things you can depend on just aren't happening. The recession of '91 and '92 - remember how crappy those Yankee teams were? Now the Yankees seem to be pretty average, and SURPRISE - the economy is starting to sputter again. In it's simplest terms, as the Yankees go, so goes America.
If you want America to truly be at it's best, you need to do two things. Get Hillary out of the Senate. This will allow the Yankees to win again, thus causing America to get out of the recession. It's all related.... It the Circle of Life.


Anonymous said...


Baltimore 14 10 .583 -
Boston 15 11 .577 -
Tampa Bay 13 11 .542 1.0
New York 12 13 .480 2.5
Toronto 10 15 .400 4.5

proof above!

Anonymous said...

It's not just the Clintons, it's ANY liberal socialist that has the exact same affect.

The Clinton Legacy

Barack Hussein Obama

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Bob, enjoy it while it lasts... Does this means that Da Bears will never win until Obama retires?

Anonymous said...

Go Mets

Anonymous said...

Yankees are the best team in the MLB, as far as I m concerned, we have great fans, and really the whole city of New York will say that. In New York if you want to watch the Yankees in style good luck with that, all the Yankees premium seats get sold out and are highly priced. Anyhow if you get lost I have a new site for u guys, where you can compare tickets prices for free as I do.
Anyhow I though this is something would interest you…
Yankees tickets