Saturday, September 29, 2007

I Almost Got a DWI Tonight.

I got pretty lucky tonight. I went to Slammers with Ben to see Ambedexrus - they were okay tonight. The drummer was a bit off tonight. At the show, I found out that our old drummer was in another band , and they were playing at the Sports Bar, behind the Trophy Club. So I decided to check them out real quick before going home.
Sometimes the best made plans don't go quite like we want them to, because I apparently was doing 55MPH in a 40 zone, and I was pulled in the parking lot of the bar. I couldn't find my registration (not good), and the Sheriffs Office called in the Highway Partol for a field sobriety test. Follow the pen, read the alphabet, then the heel-to-toe walk while counting out. I was honest with the guy, and I wasn't drunk, so naturally I passed.
Actually, I was very lucky, because I didn't even get a ticket - just a warning. The most embarassing part was being stopped at The Trophy Club by 4 cops with their lights blazing, because I am not allowed there for the time being, as per a promise I made. But everything worked out OK. So, I would like to thank the florence County Sheriff's Dept. and the SC Highway Patrol for doing their jobs, for being considerate, and for not arresting me!


Anonymous said... x

Thoroughbred 401k said...

It wasn't too big a deal - I just told them, "I'm Mike Reino, I'm kinda important." Just another case of me talkin my way out of ,or into anything. ;)

Miss ya, Princess.

Anonymous said...'s DUI in SC. get your story straight dammit!

Anonymous said...

Cruising the parking lot are you

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Nope, they turned on the blues when I pulled in. If I wasn't there, I likely would not have been stopped. I've been good.

Anonymous said...

Oddly Mike, from the profiling I know about, speeding tends to contradict the DUI... SCHP probably wasn't amused by the call, though its impact on the traffic at The Trophy Club, with a convenient excuse is another matter.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

I'm sure by my stopping there, the deputy thought he had an easy one. One thing I have to point out - this was outside the club, and nothing happens outside the Trophy Club. They're open til 400 on Friday night, or so I've heard.

Watchdog said...

I was off???