Friday, December 07, 2007

All Dressed Up and Looking Good..... For No Reason.

I swear, this is an actual picture of me tonight. All that work at the body shop is really paying off - it even made my eyes turn green !! Well, I felt like I looked this good tonight. My hair was perfect, my belly almost gone, and my clothes even matched. A great night with Ms. X looked like a surety.....

Not quite. Ms. X was not at work for me to surprise her, and I didn't feel like chasing her down, so I'll have to wait and see if everything goes right tomorrow. Right now, I'm looking forward to sleeping in my bed, rather than a couch. Good Night!


Anonymous said...

I'm sooooo sorry! I had a friend come down, and I have an exam in the morning. I will be there tom. though.

Anonymous said...

Good night Mike

Thoroughbred 401k said...

No problem at all, Princess. I got a good night's sleep for once. Sat AM exam??? That sucks.

Anonymous said...

you should had ms x at your house tutoring her for the exam what is wrong with you man use that degree

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Well, I was in HHI til about 9PM last night. Secondly, the girl does want to pass, so why tutor from me? I'd just be bothering her for nookie, while she's trying to learn...

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Uh... What happened? No big deal, but Matt was in town, and now you'll have to wait another week for the present I got you (tease)...

Anonymous said...

send her down to santee i got her a present also