Friday, December 21, 2007

My Christmas Wishes to You....

I was going to send this out a bit closer to Christmas Day, but then I realized that a lot of you are travelling today, and you might not have the time to check my blog.
I'm not in the holiday mood for obvious reasons, but I honestly can say that I have had worse Christmases (1991 comes to mind). While I might lack some of the things that make the holidays more joyous this year, I try to focus on the real reason we celebrate Christmas - the birth of Jesus Christ. Little sweet Baby Jesus, lying in the manger - woo hoo ! Sorry.
Here's a wish that you have a safe and fun weekend, and may you get whatever you want for Christmas. I'm kinda hoping for a job, and for my sweetie to come back in time. Maybe not today on either one of those, but I'll wait it out. I've learned to be very patient lately. Just know that if you care enough about me to read this blog, then I owe each of you something. May I give each of you whatever you want...
Merry Christmas !


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Mike

earlcapps said...

hang in there mike. just tighten up the ship, cut out the dead weight, and hang on a bit longer.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

I did finally hear from the GM at one of them, and he looks ready to put me in there, so we may finally be getting somewhere....