Saturday, December 01, 2007

SC6 Presents 'Stupid Things You Can Do With Cars'...

I got some sleep, paid a few bills, and saw Ms. X yesterday, so I feel better today. Thanks for caring guys....
A sure-fire way to make yourslef feel better, aside from seeing a hot blonde, is to look at the even dumber things other people do. I put a little bump on my Avalon this week, but that's nothing compared to these two guys....
On the left, we have a $1 Million Ferrari that Dad bought , and Junior decided to take out and wreck at 200 MPH. The mileage on the odometer? 9 miles !! It's okay , Dad is holding back $10 a week from Junior's allowance.
On the right, we have a guy who overloaded his pimping Corolla by putting a pallet of plywood and 2x4's, along with 800 lbs of concrete on the inside !! Both rear tires blew out, along with bending the rims. The ironic part - for $20, they'll rent you a truck to carry the stuff.
Today's lesson? No matter how stupid you are, there is always someone out there doing something even dumber!

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