Thursday, July 17, 2008

How Does Denver Plan On Hiding Their Homeless? By Taking Them to the Movies !!

Anyone See My Cardboard Box and Shopping Cart ???
Some cities are proud of their homeless people. In New York, we let them flop around town wherever they want. In fact, lots of tourists don't consider it a real trip until they see a couple hobos. Others don't see it that way....
Next month, the Democrats will gather in Denver for their convention. While every major city has soem homeless, Denver seems more focused on hiding them. How ? By buying them tickets to the movies, parks and museums while Barack Obama is in town.
The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless plans on getting 500 movie tickets, as well as passes to the Denver Zoo, and other local attractions. No word yet on what movie the homeless people will be watching, but my suggestion would be a private screening of 'Hancock'.......
Why get rid of them? Well, it's two-fold.. First, the city really doesn't want them to be seen. Secondly, the are getting rid of them to protect them. Maybe it doesn't make sense on the surface, but there will be thousands of crazy protesters outside of the Pepsi Center, and - get this - the homeless really value their quiet time.... Local police worry that all the noise will get them all unglued and on the warpath. As a member of the coalition stated, "A person who typically sits under a tree that is now occupied by 1000 protetsrs won't have the peace an quiet they are desiring. Particularly those with mental illness can't cope with crowds." Well said......
So, when the Dems make it to Denver next month, talking about the homeless, and you dont see any there, you'll know where they are - watching a Tom Cruise Triple Feature !!!


Anonymous said...

sounds like they have a plan

Anonymous said...

Well the Chinese Tienamin Square approach didn't exactly work for Richard Daly either.

Suppose we bus several thousand more of NYC's street people to Denver?

Thoroughbred 401k said...

I can see it now... Homeless People for John McCain !!!

Anonymous said...

sorry, I won't be at the tc tonight. I worked last night, and got

Anonymous said...

sounds like you may stay home and save some money tonight mike

Thoroughbred 401k said...

sweetie... :(

Hope you're feeling better. Matt's been sick the last couple days too. maybe tomorrow. thanks for the headsup. rest up, and have your Mom make you some chicken soup... love ya, Princess...

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a "flu like symptoms" bug running around. The chicken soup isn't a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a "flu like symptoms" bug running around. The chicken soup isn't a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

A statement from the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless that clarifies the situation in Denver is available at:

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Amazing.. We've made it cross-country ! Thanks for the information, as we always try to be reasonably fair, without being boring.

More importantly, can you figure out how to keep Ms.X from getting sick before I come home?? That would really help me out.