Wednesday, July 23, 2008

SC6 Gets You Ready for the Olympics - Sort Of.

As you might be able to tell, we're taking a bit of a break from politics today, because the bullshit is just piled too high this week. Obama and McCain need to take a vacation for all our sakes. Just way too much prepackaged fighting over nothing... So, we're going to focus on something else - the Olympic Games in Beijing next month.

Now, we at SC6 do stuff differently. We don't care about the medals or world records - we like to make you laugh at things like this. So, in that vein, I got some pics from Heather at work, showing various sports - but all involving hands... Instead of explaining it, here's the pictures......

On Your Mark, Get Set........


Bend it Like Beckham....

Bump, Set, Spike !!!!

Stroke Me, Stroke Me !!!



Anonymous said...

in case you haven't heard, the Beijing police have been sent around to all the bars and restaurants that will be frequented during the Olympics and asked the owners not to serve blacks. these Olympic games are going to be a disaster.

earlcapps said...

Mike, I know where I'm going to turn for my Olympics coverage. SC6 - where else?!?

Anonymous said...

you may pull in more viewers than cnbc

Thoroughbred 401k said...

That's why SC6 is your home for the beijing Olympics coverage..

Anonymous said...

But why do all the athletes look like former lovers of PeeWee Herman?

PS PeeWee might be a buyah for all that porn...