Saturday, August 16, 2008

Olympic Wrestler Throws Temper Tantrum, Loses His Bronze Medal..

Temper, Temper Dude....
Welcome to SC6's live Olympic coverage from Beijing. I know, I was in Florence yesterday, and I have to be back by Monday morning for work... Just take my word on it, I'm here. OK, I'm watching it on TV......
Not much has been made of it, but the Olympics have a very strict standard against making political statements, or disrespecting the other athletes. Not everyone on the podium has been a good camper, and four of them have been stripped of their medals.
The latest one was Ara Abrahamian of Sweden. Abrahamian, a Greco-Roman wrestler, was actually born in Armenia. If you don't know anything about Armenia, i'll give you a tip. They are crazy , crazy people. Italians think Armenians are nutzy, so that should give you an idea. They scream about everything. Well, Abrahamian was penalized during his semifinal match, which cost him the match. He proceeded to go crazy like an Armenian, having to be restrained from the judges before walking out and slamming the doors to the gym.
His buddies eventually calmed him down, and talked him into going to the awards ceremony, but he lost it again on the podium, when he took the bronze medal from around his neck, and threw it down on the ground, before walking off. Nice.... Now he has nothing, thanks to his antics..
This one is actually not the oddest story so far. North Korean shooter Kim Jong Su (no relation to Kim Jong Il) had his silver and bronze medal taken away for failing a drug test. You heard right, a SHOOTER got busted for doping...... I just don't know what to say about that one.


Anonymous said...

Nice and racist post.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Nice comment for a first time post, Joe. As a person of Mediterranean descent, I'll assume that commenting with your ass instead of your brain comes naturally. Think before you call people racists, and don't take things so seriously. I pick on everybody, and I thank you for volunteering yourself to join the club.

Anonymous said...

So the Yankee Koreans had to have the guys they werew shooting in the back doped? Geez,