Monday, August 25, 2008

Will Obama and Hillary Make Nice in Denver ?

Look Out , Barack... There's an ACME Anvil Over Your Head.
Well, we're finally at the Democratic convention, and I'm kinda surprised to hear what I'm hearing today. After months of 'making up' , we're in Denver, and the big worry among everyone is the friction between Team Obama and The Clintons. I thought this was already taken care of, but it sure looks like the two groups have some real problems going on..
There is a real good, in-depth article in The Politico, that gives a real sense that Obama and Clinton haven't patched up fully - and that the main problem is, once again, not Hillary, but Bill Clinton... Is this just a bunch of media hooey, or are we in Denver, and Obama and Clinton still squabbling? Make up your own mind......


Anonymous said...

They do resemble Pinky and the Brain... ZOIT!

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Good call, Anon.