Saturday, August 02, 2008

Congrats to Sunny On Her New Baby......

Sunny Back in May, When Sarah Lil Was Still Inside...
SCGOP Finance Director and Republican fundraising juggernaut Sunny Philips had her baby this week. Sarah Lilian Philips is Sunny's 4th daughter. Honestly, I think I have seen Sunny pregnant more than I've seen her not pregnant over the past 4 1/2 years. At this rate, there will be 5 million more registered Republicans in South Carolina by 2026 than currenty - all thanks to Sunny's noony.....
Although the baby is fine, Sunny isn't out of the woods yet. It did require surgery, and there are some medical conditions that required the surgery, but she seems to be doing okay. If you want to send congrats to her directly, you can mail them to SCGOP , 1913 Marion St, Columbia, SC 29202. Please remeber to add a donation along with the note - after all, she IS Finance Director......

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