Sunday, August 03, 2008

What Would It Take to Change Your Vote ?

For Some, That's All It Would Take....

I didn't comment much during Barack Obama's tour last week. Mainly because I didn't find it all that interesting or informative, but mostly to let you guys make up your own minds. We're not a big propaganda machine here. I'm a pretty staunch Republican, but we do some dumb things too....

That aside, I was taken aback by all the promises made by Obama during the tour. First Pakistan was a priority, then Afghanistan was the number one problem facing the US and terrorism. Next was Iraq, then he promised to help Israel with all we had. Tack that onto all the domestic promises, and we have a big conundrum on our hands. Do we really think that all (or any) of these promises can be kept? More importantly, is America buying all this?

That led me to the big question: What would it take to get you to vote for Obama? Personally, for all the emotion I show in life, I'm a pragmatic person in politics. Big speeches don't sway me one way or the other - I research the guy's past voting habits, then I pick. With all I've seen and heard, Obama is just too much of a big government guy for me. But , not everyone is like me. Some Republicans will vote for Obama, and what it took to get them there interests me.

Getting out of Iraq? Lower gas prices? More domestic spending? Klondike Bars and cash at the voting booth? Some people will do ANYTHING for a Klondike bar. Speaking of which............



Anonymous said...

As far as I've gotten with Jerry Corsi's new book, there is no way, othe rthan voter fraud, that myu registration will be associated with a vote cast for the slate of electors for Barack Hussein Obama.

Tony Rezko, I can say, ought to be glad eh's not associated with the Clintons, given the speculation about a trail of corpses that ran from Little Rock to DC.

One is led to ponder who's pulling Obama's strings AND in as much as Jerry Corsi points out that Obama's NEVER really been vetted by the Dems, just by the shadows of the left, are there still some Clinton hijinx that will be played out at their convention...

THAT would be devastating for the Dems nationally and prone to be very ugly short term for those hoping for Obama coat-tails. For the GOP, it is a chance, but it cannot be allowed to wallow in complacency OR allow Hillary Rodham to blame revelations on "a vast right wing conspiracy".

earlcapps said...

Allegedly some can be bought off for the price of an Arby's Roast Beef combo.